The Western media, citing a video posted on YouTube, reported that under Arkaima found the remains alien creatures . Several days ago, the discovery of citing directress reserve “Arch” Mary really Makurova Team reported news of the Southern Urals.
The find was made during excavations on the territory of burial 2-3 centuries AD. It is a strangled skull with large eyes and large forehead . As scientists claim, the age of the remains of more than two thousand years.
British journalists believe that the Russians found the skeleton of a stranger. As one of the evidence they cite the fact that it was such foreign beings show in feature films such as Hollywood trilogy “The Stranger.” According to the newspaper Express, the strange shape of the skull suggests that in ancient times the Earth was visited by representatives of extraterrestrial civilizations .
However, the Russian ufology is of a different opinion. Perhaps it is the burial nomadic women from the Sarmatian tribe. They had a tradition for children to squeeze the head with the help of ropes and planks. There is speculation that the elongated shape could be considered as two thousand years ago beautiful. This shape of the skull helped early humans to distinguish its from someone else.
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