Friday, July 17, 2015

Scientists from Novosibirsk State University has translated into two languages ​​ancient treatise – RIA Siberia


Scientists from Novosibirsk State University has translated into two languages ​​ancient treatise


* For the first time

Tailors Valentin, a young scientist from the Novosibirsk State University, engaged
 History of the Crusades, translated the ancient treatise that does not have before
 incarnation in any modern language, Latin – right into French and
 Russian languages.

For this scholar toured several countries of the world to
 familiarize yourself with all the surviving manuscripts essay “On the preaching of St.
 Cross “Humbert Romanesque, in the original or a copy. This treatise is
 the only extant “textbook” for the preachers of the Crusades

What the ancient treatise which “political technologies” used
 in the Middle Ages, to customize the citizens against heretics and infidels and
 We went from the origins of modern conflicts in the Middle East?

 say nowadays rarely any scientist so lucky as me – says
 Valentin tailor. – Because a lot of research now, and here – an important
 document blatantly left untouched by historians! “

 scientist says that the scientific adviser, Professor Nicole Beriu from France
 Seven years ago, I drew his attention to a treatise on the Crusades,
 which until then remained virtually unnoticed by science “.

” About
 Homily of the Holy Cross “(De predicatione sancte crucis) – it is a treatise
 Dominican significant: the fifth master general of the Order of Preachers, whose
 name is usually russifyi like Humbert Romanesque. The manuscript, written between 1266 and
 1268 years, it is a reference book “political leader” of the time, some
 instructions on what to say, if you’re going to preach a crusade
 against Muslims in the Middle East, – says the candidate of historical sciences. -
 Generally XIII century was a time when the papacy took a course on what to do
 Christian faith more accessible to the masses. Therefore, it was then comes out
 many so-called instructions for preaching against the Saracens. Himself
 Humbert document came to us in 23 manuscripts and early printed version of 1495
 Year manufactured in Nuremberg “.

According to the scientist, the treatise
 It presents to the reader a wide range of topics that you can talk to
 his flock, and takes into account the overgrown criticism of the Crusades,
 Prevalence at that time.

“For example, Romanesque Humbert says:
 why the symbol of the campaign – the cross, why he was sewn on the clothes on his back and shoulder,
 why the Church is directly involved in the Crusades, and why only
 Volunteers can take the cross? The author cites various explanations -
 says Portnoy – for example, why the cross on his right shoulder? Because with
 ancient times was considered a good right as opposed to the left. IN
 Christian tradition, I think it is related to one of the quotations from the Bible, where
 It said that during the Last Judgment God will put the sheep (ie the righteous)
 the right hand, but the goats (the wicked) – on the left, and then, accordingly,
 the last will go to hell. I was in this context once puzzled question – why
 Russian language peacefully grazing on the lawn animal has become synonymous with bad things
 man? “

Among other things, Humbert tells us that there are obstacles
 to enter the path of the cross. For example, excessive love of country.
 We must love the fatherland – it’s not good, because if you love it too, you’re in
 Palestine Fight crusader not go – says the arguments of the author of the treatise
 researcher. – Access to a broader horizon, we can say that the Crusades
 hikes were certain forerunner of the European Union – that is, there was a kind of unifying
 company for all that, according to the propaganda, it was considered more important than
 the internal affairs of each state separately “.

A Treatise Humbert
 It may be of interest not only for historians, but also political scientists who study
 agitation and propaganda techniques used in the Middle Ages, shared
 Novosibirsk researcher. For example, the preachers had already tied
 propaganda to the realities of everyday life. They liked to say: “We are keeping our
 body as a fief from God. “That is, in the ordinary mundane world vassal lord gave a piece
 land in exchange for service. Similarly, God has given man’s body, and accordingly,
 he must serve him. We should not forget that Palestine – is the land
 having priority to God! Accordingly, it must be freed, so
 as “our lord to attack the Saracens, and we must protect it!

 According to the scientist, “benefit” of medieval political instructor consists of 44 chapters that
 Humbert quite clearly justifies the need for a crusade in terms
 of the medieval theory of the just war.

“It seems that the text was
 very common and, thanks to the first printed edition of 1495, about
 the existence of a treatise, in principle, known by historians, but it is poorly understood.
 The only thing they offered dating, – says the tailor. – I had a chance
 to see all the options document. For example, four of the manuscript, I studied at the Bavarian
 National Library of Munich, two more – in Switzerland. It is regrettable that he
 the manuscript I was holding rare: I had only two foreign
 trips to explore the originals. The rest worked with counterparts in the United States.
 For example, I discovered on intsipitu one of the manuscripts of the treatise, which
 directory does not. It turns out he kept the manuscript in Austria. But it
 I ordered a copy of the then in America “.

According to the researcher, the text
 Humbert is important not only as a manuscript of the XIII century – it displays
 to other more serious theme: the relationship between Christianity and Islam, history
 religion in general, the modern political and inter-confessional relations.

“The document is the largest source of how all Western
 Medieval man looked at the phenomenon of holy war, or war
 under the sacred slogans. Crusades – one of those topics that
 so broad and long-lasting, which capture largely
 Modernity – the same current relations with Islam. Conflicts between
 religions that exist today – this is part of a long difficult
 the relationship that began even from the first centuries of Islam and the Crusades – some
 link in this complex chain, “- said Valentin Tailors.

 Humbert translation of the treatise of Romance and Latin edition of the reconstructed
 Text will be released in book form at the end of 2015. The French version is expected in
 next year or two.

Marina Moskalenko.


 Leonidovich Tailors – PhD, candidate of historical sciences, assistant of the department of general
 History Faculty of Humanities, Head of the Universal History
 Humanities Research Laboratory research of the NSU, and
 as head of the Laboratory of Ancient History and Middle Ages GF. In 2007
 year Master’s degree in the University of Lyon 2 in France in the specialty
 “History of the Middle Ages”, led by Professor Nicole Beriu and then there
 He studied at the graduate school. Currently, VL Tailors reading courses
 Faculty of Humanities: “History of the Crusades in the Middle East” and
 “Latin language and written culture (medieval period).”

See also:
  Novosibirsk region


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