Sunday, July 19, 2015

Precious asteroid will fly tomorrow, 2.4 km from the Earth’s surface – INNOV.RU – Nizhny Novgorod business ON-LINE


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19.07.15 10:16 | Text: Irina Kostikova | Photo: INNOV. RU 1776

Outer body diameter kilometer consists of platinum.

Precious asteroid will fly tomorrow, 2.4 km from the surface of the Earth

Tomorrow, July 19, will fly past the planet asteroid UW-158. According to scientists, the object is closer to the Earth at 2.4 km and will be closer to us than any other planet. Astronomers point out that the distance that will separate our planet and an asteroid is negligible space standards.

Scientists report that contains the core of the asteroid about 100 million tons of platinum. By cosmic body have already expressed an interest in a corporation engaged in the development of technologies for the extraction of minerals in extraterrestrial objects, including asteroids.

So, the company Planetary Resources has already sent to the ISS on its equipment needed to explore the possibilities of mining resources beyond Earth. It is expected that the car will be able to test the technology corporation, however, plans to approach the platinum asteroid UW-158 has not yet spoken. We note that the experts from the Planetary Resources confer on its development hopes, noting that mining on asteroids and other space objects could significantly improve life on our planet.

к the list of all news






“asteroid will fly tomorrow, 2.4 km from the surface of the Earth” 2.4 km ??????



one of the Orenburg



yeah children chtoli article written? Perhaps 2.4 million?





Irina Kostikova, you read that skopipastit? : D






Ira, you fool?




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