birds Ornithologists taught to understand and to remember them for unknown signals.
The portal Australian National University created a study that can force anyone, even very far from biology layman, admire the intellectual abilities of birds. According to scientists, this phenomenon is akin to learning a foreign language man. They argue that the process of recognition of the values of the signs of the birds is identical to that of the people they are studying other people’s languages.
During his experience, biologists have included birds of different sounds that they had never heard of the painters responded to the siren and hide immediately after the first seconds of sound.
Scientists have arranged an experiment in which a bird called Malurus cyaneus («beautiful malurus”) and listen to the signals and sounds that are not normally in nature. The fact that scientists start recording accompanied by a bird of prey demonstration layout. Surprisingly, however, just a couple of days a small excellent malyury learned to understand the sign and recognize it as a threat.
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