Monday, July 27, 2015

How do people in the Soviet Union and Russia: the research of psychologists – Nord News Agency


The different psychology Soviet and post-Soviet generation, which feared the Soviet people, and why bring up children in a crisis is dangerous, he understood science department “Gazety.Ru».

Homo sovieticus and his phobia

«Every period has its rights, which defines it,” – he said in one of his public lectures by renowned Russian sociologist and researcher Yuri Levada public opinion.

The very ideologem Soviet man, according to director of the Levada Center Lev Gudkov, born in the years 1920-30, and was necessary for the construction of the socialist system. Such myths common to all totalitarian societies in the early stages of their development. And if Nazi Germany and Italy becoming a full-fledged person did not happen due to the fact that the short-lived regimes, the Soviet Union gave rise to a generation of a new type of people.

It turns out that the proper Soviet man is not either himself or anything else outside of the state.

It is focused on monitoring and compensation from the state, which covers all aspects of its existence. At the same time, he expects that it cheated, deceived, not dodadut why he escaped out of their duties and podvorovyvaet moonlight. He is suspicious of everything related to the “new” and “different”, mistrustful, passive, pessimistic, anxious and envious. A typical Soviet citizen individually irresponsible, inclined to carry the blame for its position on the other – the government, deputies, officials, superiors, the Western countries, immigrants, etc., but not for himself. He develops a total phobia and hostility to everything new, alien and foreign.

In this scheme, the relationship of the state with a man is a sophisticated symbiosis.

formal authority cares about him, It provides employment, housing, pensions, education and medicine. He, in turn, supports the authority takes a patriotic duty and protect the interests of the state.

However, the two sides shy away from the stated responsibilities and as a result the state leaves the person at risk of poverty and survival, and he, in turn, podvorovyvaet and otherwise eludes.

The Soviet and post-Soviet generation against 90

Since 2010, psychologists under the direction of Doctor of Psychology Vlada Pishchik we conducted a series of research and found out what from the psychological point of view is different mentality of the Soviet, and post-Soviet transition of generations. The study included three groups of subjects. In the post-Soviet generation entered born in 1990-1995, the transitional period to the next – those born 1980-1985 and 1960-1965, respectively. By the Soviet generation psychologists attributed born in wartime, in 1940-1945, respectively. A total of 2235 people participated.

After analyzing the results of psychological questionnaires, the researchers concluded that a Soviet citizen, who lived in an atmosphere of teamwork, characterized by such cultural values ​​as “true to the tradition”, “transparency”, “sincerity “” discipline, “” respect for authority. ” The transitional generation is prone to so-called horizontal individualism. Among its distinct parameters “soulfulness”, “dissociation”, “independence”, “distrust of the authorities,” “love of freedom”, “anarchy”, “cold”, “competition».

The authors draw the following psychological portrait of the generation of 90.

First of all, it is people with unmet needs for freedom and autonomy, security and recognition and dissatisfied with their position in society.

They experience the existential anxiety of knowing his own life and limbs hardly define themselves. According to psychologists, the sense of their own real or imaginary inferiority leads to their features such as resentment and vulnerable to others, tolerance for the shortcomings of others, demanding, temper and aggressiveness.

For the post-Soviet generation is leading the family altruistic and communicative meanings. For the transition of generations – existential, cognitive senses of pleasure and self-fulfillment.

The main representatives from the Soviet generation of the family and turned out to be the existential sense.

The transitional generation in the relationship characterized by authoritativeness, obstinacy, stubbornness and coldness. Representatives of the Soviet generation, in turn, are more demanding, self-confident, more responsive, and at the same time stubborn.

According to the ethnic tolerance of the transitional generation turned the lowest points; above average show tolerance to the complexity and uncertainty of the world; Average expressed tolerance for different views, deviations from accepted standards and neavtoritarizmu. Soviet generation of the received low scores on tolerance deviations from accepted norms, to other views and neavtoritarizmu; Average scores – on ethnic tolerance; above average – on tolerance to the complexity and uncertainty of the world.

The study features the statements and ideas of their own “I” in different generations of psychologists have found that most of the statements of the representatives of the transition and the Soviet generation has signs Depending on the group.

The representatives of the post-Soviet generation of 60% of statements independent of the group. It follows from this that the idea of ​​his “I” in the Soviet and transition generations is directly dependent on the opinion of the team.

The crisis will affect the grandchildren and great-grandchildren

Grandparents those who are now about 30 years old, survived the war, hunger, poverty and unemployment. They were forced to start “from scratch”, but because their value system is dominated by the stability and confidence in the future.

Some researchers, in particular, family psychologist Lyudmila Petranovskaya believe that war, deportation, persecution, crises are for people of historical traumas, the implications of which are blurred only by the third or fourth generation.

Thus, the restructuring of the 90s and the general atmosphere of instability reflected in insecurity and helplessness those whose early and middle adulthood occurred in this period. And the lack of psychological security has led to teens early 90′s often compared to subsequent generations show helplessness, anxiety and social passivity.


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