The moon could become a blue, so even with the Sun – on the conditions under which it can occur, says science department “Gazety.Ru”, at the same time explaining the history of the origin of the expression “blue Moon “and recalling that the current” blue “moon – it’s just an image.
« Blue »moon hung over the news
Table two full moons per one month
– the first full moon – the second full moon
2001 – November 1 –
November 30, 2004 – July 2 – July 31
2007 – June 1 – June 30
2009 – December 2 – 31 December
2012 – August 2 – August 31
2015 – July 2 – July 31
2018 – January 2 – January 31
2018 – March 2 – March 31
2020 – 1 October – 31 October 2023
– August 1 – 31
August 2026 – May 1 – May 31
2028 – December 2 – December 31
«Blue» moon rise on July 31, “” upcoming night Muscovites will be able to watch ” blue “moon”, “blue” moon hung over Russia “- such headlines are full of Russian media on Friday. Not far behind them and the English-language edition of “Blue” Moon: rare cosmic phenomenon will shine in the sky “,” Find “blue” moon tonight, “” rare “blue” moon completes the month. ”
Strictly speaking, the vast majority of messages contained the correct information it is: they said that the phenomenon of “blue” moon means a situation where one calendar month there are two full moon.
Let us explain: between two full moons – the lunar month – lasts 29.53 Earth days. And the average length of the calendar month (including leap year) of 30.4375 days. For 33 months, this difference “is incident” on a lunar month – and as a result it turns out that one calendar month falls just two full moons.
By the color of the moon, these calculations have nothing to do: if you already speak quite simply, it moves and moves itself, regardless of how the world is arranged calendar. That is, if the world one month lasted 60 days, the “blue” moon would be observed every month, and this, obviously, no one would have paid any attention to this everyday fact.
Next is “blue” moon will occur in January 2018.
«Subject stupid»
To discuss not whether this material is to go under the heading “obscurantism”, the Department of Science Correspondent “Gazety.Ru” attracted leading researcher SAI, author of regular astronomical surveys in “” Sergei Popov . He was questioned as to whether the news about the “blue” moon appearing in the media and what is their meaning: it is the spread of a certain obscurantism, or the awakening of interest in science?
Popov said that this is not obscurantism, but he would have it in place is not the news media staff wrote: “I’m just not interested and did not seem to matter».
«But someone might argue that the statement is still there, still about it will write, and so it is important to write intelligent lyrics, but the theme and foolish – continued Popov. – I guess I would say that the place such texts on Wikipedia, encyclopedias, etc. And then a reasonable person to see “bad news” on the subject, or he googled, or quickly stumble on the link in the resource encyclopedic-type social networks. Probably, if the news of de facto caused a stir in the “yellow” media, normally I would have confined the media briefs citing good encyclopedic resources (if any). And if they do not, then we can take the time to review, but then it and pour in Wikipedia. ”
Whistling cancer on the mountain after rain on Thursday
To call two full moon falling on one calendar month, the phrase “blue” moon happened in the English-speaking world. In English, the expression once in a blue moon is literally translated as “once when the blue moon”, but is set to “once in a hundred years”, “at once,” “never” or “rarely even.”
An analogue of this saying in Russian is the expression ” When cancer at Mount whistle “(that is, probably, as ever) or” after rain on Thursday ».
The earliest use of the term” blue moon “in the sense of something unattainable and incredible occurs in the collection «Rede me and be nott wrothe, for I say no thynge but trothe» (rough translation from the medieval English is: “Read my text and do not write another, for verily all that is said of me”), published in 1528. This book contains a very frivolous pamphlets against the Roman clergy and, in particular, Cardinal Thomas Wolsey, Lord Chancellor of the kingdom of England in 1515-1529, respectively.
At this time, the throne was Henry VIII, who, with the blessing of Wolsey, preferred to have fun and to change wives (there is a famous film «Henry VIII and his six wives »), while the country’s real estate manager Wolsey.
Passage to the moon in this collection is as follows:
«Priests – as a cunning fox,
stake, they say that the moon is blue,
> believe we have these words ».
(translation Yana Hlyustovoy )
Can the moon be blue?
However, sometimes the moon in the sky can really take the color blue – and this not only the case when the observer looks at it through a blue filter. In 1950, residents of Alberta and British Columbia were groaning under the peat fires in the valley Chinchagi – a tributary of the Hay. This fire was the largest in the history of North America.
In addition to the environmental problems of the fire caused an interesting optical effect: The moon and the sun even acquired a distinct shade of blue.
This was due light scattering large (more than 1 micron – 0.000001 meter) particles released into the atmosphere by fire. Smoke from the fire spread to the northern half of the hemisphere. As a result, blue moon seen in the United States and even in Europe.
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