Friday, July 24, 2015

A new type of diamonds found in the frozen lava Tolbachik Kamchatka volcano – BFM.Ru

Unique diamonds were formed not in the magmatic melt, and in volcanic gases as a result of shock crystallization under the influence of electrical discharges of lightning

The geologists found in the frozen lava Tolbachik eruption in Kamchatka large diamonds New type, RIA Novosti reported, citing the Ministry of Education of the Russian Post.

«The frozen lava Tolbachik eruption (2012-2013 years) discovered diamonds new, not previously encountered type. They were called – Tolbachik diamonds. According to Russian geologists … these unique diamonds were formed not in the magmatic melt, and in volcanic gases as a result of shock crystallization under the influence of electrical discharges of lightning, “- said in a statement.

The eruption in the mountain range on the Kamchatka Flat Tolbachik that began on 27 December 2012 and ended in October 9, 2013, is classified as fracture eruptions, when lava poured from the crater of the volcano did not, and the system of parallel and intersecting cracks on its slopes. In total, there were six major stories of eruptions of this type until 2012. On Tolbachik fissure eruption occurred on the 7th.

«Today from small samples solidified lava recovered several hundred diamonds – a lot! Such a number of diamonds can only be compared with abnormally high enrichment diamonds lava rocks on the field Dachin in India (77 diamonds in 1 kilogram of sample) and an unusual magmatic rock in Canada (1500 diamonds in 28-kilogram sample), “- said the Ministry of Education.

The size of Tolbachik diamonds large enough for the lava rocks from 250 to 700 microns. All these facts have allowed geologists to make a cautious conclusion is that at least some lava products are diamondiferous.

Founded diamonds differed from all previously known species of gemstone for most minerologo geochemical characteristics – temperature combustion to the composition of the trace. All these differences make diamonds highlight of lava previously unknown type – Tolbachinsky. Scientists hope their discovery will help in the search for new diamondiferous provinces.


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