Thursday, April 2, 2015

Archaeologists have found the skeleton of the first in Europe Camel cavalry of the Ottoman Empire – Moskovsky Komsomolets

This animal has got to Austria after the siege of Vienna by the army of the Ottoman Empire in 1683.

Today, at 17:21, Views: 4390

Researchers conducting excavations at the site of the shopping center in Tulln stumbled upon the first complete skeleton of a camel in Central Europe. The bones were found in the cellar of the XVII century in the midst of debris, shards of pots, pans and dishes. Camel identified the bones of the hind limbs. Presumably, it was sold to local residents retreating Turks.

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Returning from Vienna (brush Joseph Brandt).

According to the archaeologist Alfred Galik, he did not realize how valuable an accidental find. “At first I saw the lower jaw, which was similar to the jaw in cattle. But then I saw the cervical vertebrae and decided that it was a horse. And only the bones of the limbs have helped to understand that this is the skeleton of a camel” – said the scientist.

The study of animal DNA found out that he is a hybrid and single-humped Bactrian camel, reports Animals of this type are larger and sturdier typical representatives of this family. Scientists have already named it “arhezoologicheskim treasure”.

The skeleton discovered by accident in the course of preparatory work before the construction of the new shopping center in the town of Tulln. According to experts, this finding is extremely valuable and serves as proof that the camels were valuable mounts in the Ottoman army. The researchers suggest that it may have been sold or abandoned invaders after an unsuccessful attack on the neighboring Ottoman Empire Vienna in 1683.

The experts analyzed the DNA of this first time almost untouched skeleton Bactrian camel Bactrian found in Central Europe who was at that time a very popular a mount in the army. With his detailed study of bone defects were found, probably from the equipment or protective elements, which were put on the animal before the fight.

“Such animals were taken specifically for combat use,” – says archaeologist Alfred Galik.

Image: Galik /

According to his hypothesis, crowns retained camel as a curiosity, and perhaps exhibited his show, which explains why this hybrid dromedary and Bactrian not get to anyone of the citizens on the table, and lived to old age and died a natural death.

The reconstructed skull discovered camel / PLOS ONE.

Scientists amazed that the Ottoman animal skeleton found in the city, which is besieged by the Turks, but could not take notes Probably the retreating soldiers sold camel locals with whom he lived to old age. Therefore, the skeleton was preserved intact – usually in the retreating army of animals ate.

For information, Battle of Vienna took place September 11, 1683, after a two-month siege of Vienna army of the Ottoman Empire. The victory of the Christians in this battle forever put an end to wars of conquest of the Ottoman Empire on European soil.

The Battle of Vienna became a turning point in the war trёhvekovoy states of Central Europe against the Ottoman Empire. Over the next 16 years, the Austrian troops moved into a large-scale offensive and repelled the Turks large areas – southern Hungary and Transylvania.

The Ottoman Empire has always sought to capture Vienna. Strategically important large city, Vienna controlled Danube, connecting the Black Sea to Western Europe, as well as – the trade routes of the Eastern Mediterranean in Germany. Before you start the second siege of the Austrian capital (the first siege was in 1529), the Ottoman Empire for several years carefully preparing for war.

Wikimedia Commons.

On the camel


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