Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Der Spiegel: By 2023, Putin will outpost in space – to Pravda.Ru

 Der Shipegel: By 2023, Putin will outpost in space.

Photo: AP

For scientists and engineers in 2023 seems to be very close to maturity. According to the president, his demand due to the fact that the station is of great importance for the national economy. Operation of the ISS provided until 2024.

Given its orbit, with her as the president complained, seen only five percent of the territory of Russia. The station runs only 51.6 degrees north latitude, and Moscow is 56 degrees. Own Russian station will be held so that from it could be seen throughout the country.

For the implementation of the project Russia is looking for new partners . Vladimir Putin noted that the management of the space industry is looking for various options for strategic alliances for space research and the construction of the station. NASA and the European Space Agency is not considered.

According to the Scientific and Technical Council of the Russian Space Agency Yuri Koptev, the project can take part in Brazil, China, South Africa and India. On whether it is possible to create such an alliance will be judged in June, after the BRICS summit in Ufa.

To create a new station is planned to use three Russian module of the ISS , not yet launched into space. Multifunctional laboratory module, the node module and scientific power module will be sent into orbit in 2017-2018 years.

Now, engineers have to change the design of Roscosmos these modules with the expectation to use them in the construction of the Russian space station. Having a higher orbit than the ISS, the new station can be the basis for future lunar and Mars missions. According to the plan of space exploration at the end of the next decade on the moon should visit a Russian cosmonaut.

See also:

Roscosmos: Russians set foot on the moon in 2030

Russia and China come together in space

On Mars going to send clones

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Russia-US sanctions are not “flown” to the space


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