View of a four-legged pet is good for health of its owner
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According to Japanese neuroscientists when man and his dog looking at each other’s eyes, in their blood and brain at the same time increases the level of oxytocin – a hormone happiness and care of offspring. Thus, hormonal host responds to the eyes of your pet, as well as to the eyes of children.
Photo: Gennady Cherkasov
A group of Japanese neurophysiologists suddenly opened one of the possible root causes of why dogs became “man’s best friend”, watching the fluctuations in the level of hormones in the body of the animal and its owner. Scientists were able to prove that the mutual affection of man and dog is formed at the biochemical level, while activated oxytocin – a hormone family love and happiness, providing a close relationship of mother and child. According to a study published in the journal Science, when you look into the eyes of oxytocin levels in the body increases as the pet and the owner.
His arguments about this method of emotional bond between dog and human experts checked by introducing a small dose hormone in an animal shortly before the experiment. As shown by these experiments, oxytocin did dogs more prone to communicate with a person, causing them to look into the eyes of the owner much longer than they did in normal conditions. It is noteworthy that increasing the level of the hormone in the animal body was accompanied by a similar growth of oxytocin concentrations in human tissues despite the fact that scientists are administered hormone in their body.
Previously, it was shown that a similar mechanism occurs mutual enhancing oxytocin and mothers with children when they communicate and exchange views. Therefore, the interaction of dogs and humans is based on the same biological mechanisms that parents’ feelings.
According to scientists, it is this phenomenon may explain how the ancestors of dogs managed to “tame” the person – they took their consciousness intended for children a place to learn to look in the eye and create an emotional connection with the two-legged food source. All other characteristic features of skill and dogs have been developed later in the selection and artificial selection.
It is worth noting that the results obtained by the Japanese neurophysiologists results will be useful from a practical point of view in the treatment of autism and post-traumatic stress. Currently, as an experimental treatment of these diseases used oxytocin, and possible replacement drugs can become increasingly popular pet therapy, in Russia, better known as zootherapy or animaloterapiya (treatment with animals). However, how this can be applied in practice, scientists have yet to figure out.
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