19.04 | 19:22
In Kenya, found the most ancient tools. Scientists believe that they were before the advent of Homo habilis and Australopithecus they can be used.
Based on the statements of scientists, working tools could be used even the famous Lucy, representative species Australopithecus afarensis, lived about 4 million years ago.
Prior to this it was thought that the earliest stone tools appeared about 2.6 million years ago. They were found in Ethiopia.
However, in 2010 in the Ethiopian region of Dikika archaeologists found animal bones with grooves that became a cause for heated debate in the academic world who could make these furrows – animals or people.
It turned out that our ancestors could using stone tools leave notches on the bones of animals.
The proof of these assumptions were the results of searches habitat Kenyanthropus who lived around 3.2-3.5 million years ago. On the shores of Lake Turkana of Kenya have been found objects serving for the manufacture of the first tools – nukleis (stone, from which broke away plates for tools), anvils.
With the help of paleomagnetic studies, the researchers found that tools have been found made 3.5 million years ago.
The researchers believe that the creators of these tools could be Australopithecus or Kenyanthropus.
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