Friday, April 17, 2015

Know-how from Fano dismissal in a hospital bed – a REGNUM

17.04.2015 10:46



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What happened to the director of the Institute Geochemistry and Analytical Chemistry. VI Vernadsky Sciences

The perturbation in the team of the Institute of Geochemistry and Analytical Chemistry. VI RAS Vernadsky called the Order of the Federal Agency of Scientific Organizations (Fano) of 13 April 2015 on the dismissal of the Director of the Institute Academician EM Galimov. “The order of dismissal of academician EM Galimov not presented any justification not to complain to the director, head of the Institute for over 20 years and made a great contribution to the development of the most important research directions “, – stated in the collective decision of the meeting of April 16, 2015. “It can not leave us indifferent and moral and ethical side of the issue, – underline the Institute – since the order was issued during the period of severe illness EM Galimov in treatment, as was well known to the leadership of Fano ».

Imagine a person is in the hospital, almost on the operating table, and he was handed a pink slip. Incredibly? Wildly? Strange? This is what leadership Fano with academician Galimov. Colleagues believe that the true reason for such an administrative somersault – criticism scholar officials of the Agency. April 11, he appealed to the public with an open letter about the activities of Fano.

«Fano Imagine yourself supervisory organization dedicated to an iron hand to bring” order “in the Academy of Sciences – academician writes in this letter. – Activities Fano reduced to continuous queries reporting explanation. No attempt has been minimal help from Fano does not come. Fano practically disorganize the work. ” Academician shared his sad experience of the reform of the Academy: “If the organization to Fano I published at least 6-8 articles per year, then in 2014 I published 1 article. Unprecedented paper stream overflowed Institute. Enormous strength and nerves went on overcoming impenetrable bureaucracy seemingly obvious questions. In the month of January (9th number) this year, I had a severe heart attack. For three months I was on the ballot. ” With bitter irony scholar summarized the work under the direction of Fano, “one article and one myocardial».

According to the academician Galimov so touched officials Fano, that they by all means tried to “catch” as some shkolyara- truant. Required to provide information “about the time period of absence from work, starting from January 1, 2015 with an indication of the reasons (business trip, vacation, temporary disability) and certified copies of supporting documents.” In the Institute sent a commission, according E.M.Galimov, “I testify absence in the workplace for 3 hours to take in relation to me sanctions in accordance with KZOT’om.” When the required documents have been received Fano, no apology no distinguished man, a renowned scholar has brought. Moreover, he is now in a strange dismissed.

According to IA REGNUM at the Institute of Geochemistry and Analytical Chemistry, currently now former Director, Academician Erik Galimov is in clinic. He underwent surgery on the heart. But it is unlikely dismissal in a hospital bed promotes prosperous recovery. On the question whether there is some kind of official wording of the decision by the Fano, acting Director Vladimir Kolotov replied that it is not simply terminate the contract. “In fact, it’s made for the fact that Eric M. wrote a lot in the resort, which are above the Fano, the government, the prosecutor’s office – he said – is a settling of scores.” It is the story of the research vessel “Akademik Boris Petrov” fixed for Geochemistry. As wrote in his open letter to the academician Galimov, the ship was more than a year after the overhaul is idle in the Chinese port of Tianjin “because of the red tape on any issue and the reluctance of Fano take action to move to the operation of the ship».

amassed huge debt to the Chinese shipyard and the company, which has been repairing the ship. Fano no action taken. Only appeal to the Russian presidential administration shifted the situation with a dead anchor. There was told that “the content and logistics of research vessels, including RV” Akademik Boris Petrov “, including such as operation of ships, repair, modernization, procurement, design, construction and others are in the responsibility of the federal executive bodies and organizations of shipowners (in this case, Fano Russia). ” Since money at the problem is not allocated Fano, shifting responsibility to the Institute itself, their – 700 million rubles – to separate the individual from the state budget. “We have since the construction of the ship in 1986 is an organization that is engaged in its operational management – said IA REGNUM Vladimir Kolotov – financed by us before the Academy of Sciences, Fano but did not want to listen, that they counted for duty fleet maintenance, trouble began and conflict, which escalated into the current situation. ” According to Acting directors, officers, having apparently scolding from the Government, in turn, decided to punish the one who “made a dirty linen in public.” Hence, the order of dismissal. There is one more nuance. Academician Galimov week ago asked the leadership of Fano five vacation days to make overseas elective surgery. Was refused, but found out about it too late, already being in a German clinic. Scientist colleagues are outraged. “How can detain a person in need of surgery, do not give him five days to go ?! – Wonders Vladimir batters. – What’s on this change? This bureaucratic approach. So do not behave accepted in the scientific, intelligence community. ” At a meeting on Thursday, staff of the Institute has expressed disagreement with the decision of dismissal Fano Erik Galimov and addressed to the President of Russian Academy of Sciences for support. Scientists insist that issues of scientific and human resources policy in the Russian Academy of Sciences’ solved not only the owner of the property of the Academy, and in compliance with the declared principle of “two keys”, taking into account the opinion of qualified scientific community ».

Academician Erik Galimov – author of over 500 scientific publications, monographs (3 reissued in the US). On account of his inventions and discoveries. He is a member of the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences, chairman of the Committee on Meteorites, chairman of the Academic Council on Problems of Geochemistry, Russian Academy of Sciences member Oceanographic Commission, Member of the RAS Council on outer space. Honorary Professor of Moscow State University, academician of the Academy of Mining Sciences, a foreign member of the Academy of Sciences and Literature in Mainz (Germany). Laureate of VI Vernadsky, were awarded with “Honor” and “Badge of Honor”. For his outstanding contribution to the organic geochemistry awarded the Medal of Alfred Treybsa International geochemical Society (2004). Founder (1990) and head of the scientific school of “the global carbon cycle” mantle – bark – ocean – atmosphere “, the initiator and leader of lunar exploration program and delivery of substances with Phobos. Vernadsky Institute of Geochemistry and Analytical Chemistry (Geochemistry) them. Vernadsky, which he headed for more than 20 years, one of the world centers in the field of geochemical studies. The Institute was founded seven voyages to the Arctic for the first time in the world experimentally synthesized diamonds, received worldwide recognition research in the field of organic geochemistry isotope .

Helena Kovacic


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