distant ancestor of man was lofofornym animals had tentacles and distant resemblance to today’s man is like. This is found by Russian scientists from Moscow State University, reports Gazeta.ru,.
famous paintings “Vitruvian Man” by Leonardo da Vinci enables visually see “canonical proportions” man, but the symmetry of mirroring, called bilateral (two-sided) symmetry, there was a person is not immediately.
With regard to the common ancestor of bilaterally symmetrical animals – how he looked, how he was and how things went evolution, there are two different points of view. Bilateria ancestor appeared likely at the end of Venda – the last geological period of the Neoproterozoic, immediately before the Cambrian, which lasted from about 635 million to 541 ± 1 million years BC Organisms inhabiting the Vendian sea, were generally radially-symmetrical creatures. Some of them were floating in the water, others were attached way of life, others were crawling along the bottom.
Vitruvian Man
One of the scientific world says that the ancestor of bilaterally symmetrical animals was netselomicheskim worm, ie had a body cavity. biologists to defend the correctness of this theory believe that in addition to the common ancestor of the coelom bilaterally symmetrical animals was devoid of any appendages, and had just arranged the nervous system. According to the first view, which tend to researchers outside Russia, a whole – body cavity – appeared in different groups bilaterally symmetrical animals independently.
In the opposite camp, which adheres to the Russian zoological school, says that the common ancestor bilaterally symmetrical animals was quite intricate coelomic creature had appendages to move and gather food, and also had a complex structural nervous system. This was the first time said the English zoologist Adam Sedgwick, then picked up the idea in his works Head of the Department of Invertebrate Zoology, Faculty of Biology, Professor, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences Vladimir Malakhov.
To find new evidence to support the second view, succeeded Dr. Biological Sciences, Senior Research Fellow Department of Invertebrate Zoology, Faculty of Biology Helen Temereva – lead author, co-authored with Eugene Citrine from the Institute of Developmental Biology, Russian Academy of Sciences, which is published in the scientific journal PLoS ONE.
She managed to do it in the course of the study representative of inarticulate brachiopods – Lingula anatina. Lingula – one of the oldest brachiopods survived to the present day. They are known from the Early Ordovician (500 million years ago). Fossils fossil Lingula found all over the world, especially in Europe a lot, Southeast Asia and North America.
«Our research shows that one of the trunks of bilaterally symmetrical animals Bilateria – Lophotrochozoa, which includes the largest variety of types of living organisms – there is a group of animals lofofornyh , – quotes the words of Helen Temereva to Gazeta.ru. – peyote – a special part of the body that carries tentacles. Lophophora have representatives of the three types of the animal kingdom: phoronid, brachiopods and bryozoans. That special structure allows researchers to combine peyote these three types into a single group – Lophophorata. However, numerous data Molecular Phylogenetics indicate that a single group lofofornyh animals there is no ».
Temereva sure that the results of this scientific work will help in building a natural system of the animal kingdom, through which the classification of gain more specific.
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