The Presidium of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences expresses its deep concern over the situation with the development of the reform of the RAS and began restructuring academia, said in the text treatment of the Presidium of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, RAS President Vladimir Fortov.
« So far, no leadership Fano or other government agencies are not given a clear answer to the issues of our concern: what is being restructured? Why set up the legal and property barriers between RAS and institutions subordinated to Fano? Is it possible to improve the management of scientific research? Definitely – no! “- Said the academician.
According to the Presidium of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences,” lack of coordination with the Russian Academy of Sciences Fano, expressed in unilateral decision-making on a number of organizational and personnel issues, inconsistent with the RAN termination of powers of directors of the largest and successful academic institutions and research centers of the Urals is considered by the scientific community as an ill-conceived course leading to the destruction of an effective system of academic science in Russia ».
« It is significant that Fano solutions are prepared and taken under the existing regulations, without approval procedures with the Russian Academy of Sciences and its regional offices, which contradicts enshrined in the Federal Law 253-position on the scientific and methodological guidance from the scientific organizations Russian Academy of Sciences – said in the address. – We express our strong protest against the unilateral and destructive actions of the Russian science and Fano offer urgently and radically revise the basic principles of the reform of the scientific and educational spheres of Russia, taking into account long-term strategic plans for development of the country and the interests of its national security ».
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