Rosbalt, 23/04/2015 14:52
MOSCOW, April 23. On the Egyptian satellite remote sensing (RS) EgyptSat-2 Russian production for unknown reasons denied primary and backup onboard digital computer complex (ODCC), “Interfax-AVN” in the Russian space industry.
“April 12, the International Day of Cosmonautics, suddenly denied basic ODCC, then after 15 seconds – a reserve,” – said the official.
According to him, “this can not be determined.” “At the time of the crash satellites are operated by the Egyptians. They may have done something wrong. But we can not exclude some external influence,” – said the source.
“Now Russian and Egyptian experts are trying to joint efforts to restart the computer” – he said.
The satellite remote sensing EgyptSat-2 was launched on April 16, 2014 from the Baikonur Cosmodrome using a launch vehicle “Soyuz”. He successfully completed flight tests in January 2015 transferred to the customer management – Egypt State Committee for Remote Sensing and Space Research.
As previously reported in the Russian space industry, even in the tests “after adjusting the telescope quality of the pictures has exceeded our wildest expectations.”
Technically EgyptSat-2 belongs to the category of remote sensing satellites. Its high capacity for spatial resolution – up to 1 meter in panchromatic mode – can say that it is a dual-purpose satellite.
Weight EgyptSat-2 exceeds one tonne. It was assumed that at an altitude of about 700 km, it will last at least 11 years of age.
According to Russian experts, the Egyptians were satisfied with the performance of the satellite and talked about a possible second order the same type of machine.
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