Scientists dispelled the myth that Julius Caesar suffered epileptic seizures. Black emperor’s illness came up to his deification.
Epilepsy – a very ancient disease. In different countries and at different times to treat the disease in various ways. Christians believe that it is God’s punishment for the terrible sins. People suffering from epilepsy, no one complained, they were humiliated and insulted. For example, in England only in the 70s epileptics were allowed to marry. Even today, in many countries, people with epilepsy are not allowed to drive a car and work in some specialties.
The Russian Federation prohibits such patients to work in education or medicine.
But in the ancient Rome and Greece, this disease was considered a divine gift. These people were appointed priests. Attitude toward epileptics was reverent and respectful. Epilepsy, Plato, Socrates, Caligula, Empedocles. This fact and spawned the belief that the disease “awarded” only special and brilliant people.
Among the people suffering from sudden seizures, and is credited with a historical figure like Julius Caesar. But scientists have proved the opposite – Caesar suffered from epilepsy. His problem – regular mini-strokes. Characterized by impaired blood circulation in the brain over from a couple of seconds to days.
According to doctors, microstroke affects only small vessels in the brain, so goes virtually unnoticed and all functions are quickly restored.
The myth of the epilepsy Caesar appeared on the basis of the conclusions after studying the medical records known dictator.
In the biographies of Caesar stated that he was suffering from a mental disorder, which were confirmed by depression, nightmares. It is now known that the symptoms of minor strokes. In addition, the “attacks” from the commander began to show after 35 years. And epilepsy makes itself felt since childhood. Grandfather and father Caesar died from the same disease – frequent minor strokes.
Rumours about diseases Caesar were many. In addition to epilepsy attributed to him, and a brain tumor, and syphilis, and deafness in one ear. Some sources have information on worms in the brain Caesar.
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