Austrian archaeologists conducting excavations at the site of a shopping center in Tulln, found the first complete skeleton of a camel in Central Europe. Animal found itself in the country after the siege of Vienna army of the Ottoman Empire in 1683. Scientists suggest that the animal was sold to local residents retreating Turks.
The results of their work, researchers have published in the journal PLoS One, transfers BBC News.
Discovered near Vienna camel skeleton
archaeologists found a skeleton in the cellar in the middle of the XVII century debris, shards of pots, pans and dishes. First, they decided that they face skeleton of a horse or a cow of unusual proportions. Camel is able to identify the bones of the hind limbs.
The reconstructed skull detected camel
DNA analysis showed that the animal he was born from a female dromedary (dromedary) and male Bactrian (two-humped camel). It was a hybrid and single-humped Bactrian camels. Such hybrids were popular in the Ottoman army for his obedience, endurance, and high resolution. Judging by the condition of the teeth and bones of animals on it went, but not to transport luggage. Thus, it could only be a battle camel.
In addition, researchers were struck by the fact that the Ottoman animal skeleton found in the city, which is besieged by the Turks, but could not take. They suggested that the retreating soldiers sold camel locals, with whom he lived to old age. Therefore, the skeleton was preserved intact – usually in the retreating army of animals ate.
This is the first discovered by a skeleton of a camel in Central Europe
Earlier managed to find only the individual bones of camels in Europe – mainly the Roman Empire. The closest to European countries complete skeleton of a camel (dromedary) was discovered in Istanbul.
In addition to the skeleton on the future site of the shopping center was able to make a few more finds, by which scientists have been able to understand exactly where camel came to Austria. In particular, coins and pottery shards were relevant to those in vogue in those places from 1643 to 1715. And then there was found a bottle with a letter one of Vienna’s pharmacies, which existed from 1628 to 1665.
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