Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Video stargazing, what he saw on the night of August 13 –

In the night of 12 August 13 inhabitants of the earth after the recent observation of the spectacular astronomical phenomenon – superluniem – enjoyed another spectacular sight: the peak of the annual meteor
  Perseid. The average flow rate was about 60
 per hour, but overly bright moon prevented contemplation: in
 average in different regions could be seen about 30-40 meteors per hour.
 On the website of the American space agency NASA was given the opportunity to watch the meteoric live. It is reported

American meteorologist Mark Turell posted on his Twitter a few
  pictures, which show Shooting Stars. In one of the tweets it
 reported that counted seven meteors in 20 minutes.

In the web already appeared and videos on which you can see the meteor shower.

Perseid meteor shower was discovered earthlings about 2000 years ago – a reference to the August stargazing found in Chinese chronicles in 36 BC. e. The name of the flow derives from the constellation Perseus, by which the meteors enter the Earth’s atmosphere. Perseids are associated with the substance of the comet Swift-Tuttle, makes one revolution around the Sun in 135 years. Annual peak flow occurs at the beginning of August and the first flow particles appear in the sky at the end of July.

Perseids consists of small particles, burning at an altitude of 70-90 km from the Earth. The speed of entry of the particles into the atmosphere is about 60 km / s. Experts pointed out that this year a hindrance for astronomical observations could be a bright moon, as recently happened superlunie – a combination of a full moon and the time of closest approach of the satellite to the Earth. And although the moon is shining on the faint meteors, the brightest of them were still visible.

As already reported IA “Amitel” spectacular celestial event this year were able to see the people of Moscow, Voronezh, Volgograd, Nizhny Novgorod and other cities, according to . According to rough estimates, only in Russia meteoric watched tens of thousands of people.


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