Internet bids farewell to the well-known Russian blogger Anton Buslova. In recent years he fought bravely with cancer, wrote this column in The New Times, kept a diary in LiveJournal, Twitter and Facebook. Anton died in the United States evening of August 20, he was 30 years old.
Internet bids farewell to the well-known Russian blogger Anton Buslova. In recent years he fought bravely with cancer, wrote this column in The New Times, kept a diary in “Live Journal”, Twitter and Facebook. Anton died in the United States evening of August 20, he was 30 years old.
Anton Buslov became known, thanks to its open and courageous struggle with a deadly disease. In 2011, he was diagnosed with Hodgkin’s lymphoma. In Russia, at some point refused to treat this disease, but Anton did not give up and went to America for treatment.
“This is a very simple oncological disease, and in most cases it great cure in Russia – said the blogger in his diary . – So I treated him in Russia in the CRC, while in 2012, I was not told that I will not be able to cure. A little more than two years ago, I was transferred to the metronomic therapy with term survival and a half or two years, and was sent home to die. So it was that I decided to try to survive. Thousands of people chipped in on this thing a little money … Well, in general, a little funny story came out there, but I was cured in the United States.’m alive “.
In July 2014, Anton Buslov said that because of chemotherapy, he developed complications. Then he wrote an open letter to Deputy Prime Minister Olga Golodets, which oversees the government medicine. In this letter, Anton pointed to glaring facts with which he had to face during treatment in Russian clinics, and criticized, in particular for the ambulance. Letter has not gone unnoticed: Deputy Prime Minister contacted the blogger and talked in detail about the problems that he voiced.
“But all the same miracles happen – wrote that day Anton. – Yesterday I estimated the probability of this event as one to a million, but today spoke with Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian government Olga Golodets. We did not dig the figures in detail, the number of vehicles and the speed – a rhetorical question, and the truth, and the day no one decides … As a narcotic analgesic … last month done a lot of work in the government – and all will soon see the results. And yes, read the post-mortem notes people, this is including personal horror and for the minister and deputy prime minister “.
evening of August 17 Anton Buslov told in their Facebook page about the dire predictions of doctors: “I have such news, with a probability of 99 per cent in the next week I’ll be in the cold half-light of the morgue. A week later in a bright hot flame in the crematorium. We agreed and planned with Masha, we would have two children next summer. Thanks for the support that you gave me. Without it, I would be much more complicated. Thank you again! With friends like that, you can think of the future. Buslov Anton, August 17, 2014, 18:03, New York, Presbeterian hospital “.
Following the announcement of the passing of Anton Buslova The network has hundreds of comments with words of sincere admiration for his personality and words of support to the families. Here are just some of the them.
Cat Begemot: “The bright memory of the brave and decent man, a real fighter”.
Stanislav Baryshev: “It is a pity. I was sure that Anton wins lymphoma. Followed his struggle. Clever with great willpower. RIP “.
Andrey Ivanov:” a man died – died the whole world … “
Irina Polyakova,” I’m sorry bright and strong man. Rarely whom will mourn so much had never met people “.
Natalie Aristov:” I can not believe .. !! Even in the most desperate, on the verge of death, moments Anton was active and full of life all of us. With interest read his blog. Deep sense of decency, the ability to see and feel, reasonable suggestions on how to improve the world at least for a little bit .. sense of humor .. The desire to live .. Who has not read the blog Anton – ask “.
Alexei Oleynik:” There are very few know about it but it was amazing “.
Mila Lund:” Friends, do you know someone next to him with such force of will and no less intelligent? I – no. So what is the brightest comet swept around us? And when she comes back, “the country is not fools and geniuses”?
Kristina Tihomirova: “…. Anton, what are we going to do now without you? Did you have a light-filled soul, you are in our hearts forever!”
Aleksadr Privalov, “let us come Buslov news, what’s next. You were very cool, thank you for your struggle. Since you have promised a party, so let’s invent a person alive until remember him !!!”
Marina Belousova: “A man with tremendous will, a huge heart, light … unique, has changed a lot. Thank you, Anton. I’ll never forget you”.
33Live.RuRu bring their sincere condolences to the family and friends Anton.
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