Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Samarians be able to see the Perseid meteor shower – Progorod Samara

In the night of the 12th of August 13, is expected to peak stargazing Perseids – one of the most brilliant and powerful meteor shower.

meteor shower The Perseids is formed as a result of the passage of the Earth through the plume of dust particles issued by the comet Swift-Tuttle. Comet itself is approaching the Earth only once in 135 years, but in terms of its tail, our planet is held annually. Tiny particles the size of a grain of sand burned in the atmosphere, forming a “star rain».

The first mention of the Perseids observed 36 year n. e. in Chinese annals; during the years of observations noted a different number of meteors per hour – from 37 to 160 According to astronomers, this year you can count on the average, from 60 to 100 meteors per hour.

To , to enjoy the meteoric need to follow a few simple rules. Scientists advise to first give your eyes to adjust to the darkness, it takes at least 20 minutes to look at the light. If movement on unfamiliar terrain light still needed, it is worth to stock up on “red lights.” You can make them yourself, put it on a flashlight, for example, wrapping paper red.

Conversely , if before, how to prepare to watch the meteor shower, use the standard lighting – fans starry sky will lose about half an hour from this amazing spectacle as the eye would not ready to accept the rapid flight of “stardust”, according to National Geographic.


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