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In Moscow, the staff of the National Research Technological University have developed technology MISA make aluminum steel properties.
Such a transformation of aluminum was made possible by the use of nanotubes and nanospheres of boron nitride.
A team of scientists led by Professor Dmitri Golberg start developing as early as 2011. On the creation of the technology took about 150 million rubles, most of which was aimed at the acquisition of the necessary equipment. In the world there is only one research center, which experts were able to make progress in the development of new metal. It is located in Tsukuba, Japan.
Currently, scientists are working on the creation of advanced composite based on aluminum. The new material must be greater than steel, strength, and smaller than conventional aluminum weight.
Create material as light as aluminum, but with a strength greater than 25 times, it has become possible thanks to technology hardening materials using boron nitride nanotubes. In the near future, Russian scientists are planning to increase the strength of steel to achieve a factor of 2-3. Unique development of Moscow experts are already interested in such organizations as the “Rusal” and “Skolkovo».
Author: Elena Kaurova Reads: 269 |
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