Monday, August 11, 2014

Superluna last night became the main object in the image around the world – TVNZ

 On Monday night the inhabitants of the earth for the second time this year saw Superlunie. Huge yellow ball natural satellite of our planet was also the protagonist of the hundreds of thousands of photos taken by people in the night. Everyone who could capture the moon – did it in the most bizarre ways. Moon over the city, over the river, even the self with the Moon. Russian cosmonaut Oleg Artemyev Moon photographed from the International Space Station “.

 Superlunie occurs when the full moon and new moon with perigeem- point of closest approach of the Moon and the Earth. This is due to the elliptical orbit at which the moon orbits the planet. Due to this phenomenon can be seen from the Earth over the large size of the lunar disk than usual. That night the moon was up 14% and 30% brighter than usual.


 Satellite approached the Earth at a distance of 356 800 kilometers. The distance between the planet and the satellite varies from 357,000 km to 406,000 km. Such phenomenon is repeated periodically, but this year the August Moon closer to the Earth – the most spectacular. Superlunie will continue for a few nights. So often lift my head: it’s beautiful! 2014 was rich in such events.

 If superlunie usually occurs twice a year, but this year such events – five. Previously, they were observed 1 and 30 January and on 12 July. Astronomers estimate that, on average such a phenomenon can be observed on the Earth about once every 144 days. This event does not have much impact on the Earth, but is stronger tides.

 Next we will see superlunie September 9.


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