Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Scientists will discuss the effectiveness of mega-grants – Russian Newspaper

This number of world stars of Russia has not seen for a long time, said the director of the Department of Science and Technology of Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation Sergey Salihov commenting opening in St. Petersburg conference ” science of the future “.

Forum will be held in September, he has to summarize one of the most high-profile projects recently. It was initiated in 2010 was the government of the Russian Federation. It is about creating new laboratories in universities under the guidance of world-renowned scientists. Responded to the call of many celebrities, including three Nobel Prize winners. Of course, the role played by the value of the grant – 150 million rubles for each project. Amount is very decent even by Western standards. By the way, just for the program spent about 20 billion rubles. Emphasized that the first selection of the winners will not only Russian, but of recognized international experts.

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It should be noted that the Russian scientific community reacted negatively to this initiative. Polls have shown that 76 percent are in favor to close the program, and the mega-grants sent to the Russian Foundation for Basic Research. Many believe that the invited masters attracted by the size of grants that they are working on two fronts, remaining to lead his laboratory abroad and spending in Russia for a few months that the obtained results for our money will have two addresses that mega-grants contribute to “brain drain” because the best employees after mega-grants can leave behind their leader. In short, a lot of controversy around the mega-grants.

Forum in St. Petersburg has to answer many questions. Here come some 800 scientists from 15 countries, including the USA, Germany, France, UK, etc. Speaking about the first results of the program, Sergei Salihov reported that just four years created about 160 new laboratories, they work almost 4,000 employees, more than half of the age does not exceed 35 years. With regard to one of the main criteria – publications in peer-reviewed journals, the figures are as follows: 2011 – 320 articles, 2012 – 665 2013 – 806.

According to the vice-rector of the St. Petersburg State University Alexei Zavarzina “paradise mega-grants of course, did not create, but work hand in hand with the leading scientists of the world has a positive effect on the college environment, attitudes toward science among young people is changing radically “.

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The forum participants have to analyze what effect brought Russian science multimillion-dollar grants, as new laboratories remained in the program, and how much of it is derived for different reasons. And to answer the question: who are preparing the young people who participate in the mega-projects? If the economy is no demand for new development, the results in the end, go to the line. There also will be followed by the young Russian talent.

Help “RG”

In the mega-grants created in laboratories received a lot of world-class results. Thus, under the guidance of Professor Paolo Macchiarini at the Kuban Medical University conducted the world’s first transplant of artificial trachea and larynx part using patient’s own cells.

Kotlas pulp and paper mill implemented a system of continuous monitoring with the use of network technology for remote access and remote examination. The results were published in 95 papers, of which more than half – in foreign journals, including the highest ranking (Physical Review Letters, Scripta and Acta Materialia, etc.).

Arrived Japanese Professor Konstantin Agladze created in Moscow Fihtehe laboratory where it was possible to grow a human heart from stem cells.

In MUCTR. Mendeleev led by Alberto Maria Felice Paleari already producing glass microspheres for nuclear medicine, in particular, the treatment of cancer. It is planned that in 2015, the commercialization of the results will be at least 10 million. Rubles a year.

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In St. Petersburg Academic University, Russian Academy of Sciences, led by Professor Pavel Pevzner algorithms for the recovery of the genome sequence to the DNA fragments. This is of particular interest for the study of cancer. Development laboratories are already used in the universities of Stanford and Harvard.

In the laboratory, St. Petersburg State University developed a fundamentally new boson cascade laser of about a millimeter. It will replace the bulky (about a meter) and expensive (about $ 50 thousand) lasers, which are made only in Switzerland.

This is just a small list of important projects carried out as part of the mega-projects .


Russia has refused to give up the ISS – Dni.Ru

Photo: GLOBAL LOOK press

Representatives of the Russian space industry continue to work towards the creation of new modules for the International Space Station. New projects are financed from the budget, respectively, it could mean that Russia will continue to work on the ISS, and after 2020.

Despite the voiced this spring application for withdrawal of the Russian largest international extraterrestrial project – International Space Station – after 2020, enterprise space industry continues to actively work on the creation of scientific innovations for the ISS. “Research and development of modules for it are carried out according to the contract,” – said Igor Burenkov, director of information policy of the United rocket-space corporation.

The press service of the Russian Space Agency explained that the is now working to create new modules for the ISS is really conducted as usual , in this case in the near future it is planned to make a decision whether to continue this activity, according to “Izvestia”. Now under development by the Russian space industry are three innovative module. This multi-purpose laboratory module (MLM), nodular and scientific power modules (BEP). Initially their launches to the ISS planned for 2013-2015, but then for various reasons, were transferred to the 2017-2018 years.

Due to unforeseen delays at the moment the situation is such that the Russia will be completed and equipped with its own segment of the ISS until the date on which it will need to flood . In fact, if Russia really leave the ISS in 2020, the Russian Space Agency experts will be in parallel to the work on the integration of the new equipment on the space station and prepare a plan for its rapid flooding.

“Our American partners have repeatedly said that they want to continue the activities ISS for the period after 2020. When they heard from our leaders that Russia wants to shut down the project in 2020, they stepped up their efforts with scientists began to cover them interesting proposals for papers that go beyond 2020, “- said the representative of the Russian Space Agency.

At the moment, Russia has not yet made a final decision on the future work on the station. “The question for Russia’s participation in the ISS after 2020 remains open, but with a probability of 90% the country’s leadership to agree to participate in the project and on” , – said the representative of the Russian Space Agency.


Russian specialists are developing a robot astronaut – Express-News

Post Image

26.08 | 11:32

Russian specialists plan to create a special robot astronaut, whose purpose will be to help in the work on board the International Space Station. Proceed with the development of the robot is planned in 2017. This information is provided federal media.
 It is reported that the prototype will be unveiled as early as 2019. At the moment, the astronauts work together with American and Japanese robots.
 According to the presented data, to control the robot is a special suit for man. Thus, even the slightest movement of the person will be copied to the machine.
 On board the Russian robot astronaut appear already in 2020. That same year, he will proceed to their direct responsibilities.


Monday, August 25, 2014

Wi-Fi users in the subway know by number gadget – Lighthouse

 Wi-Fi users in the Moscow metro will be identified by an individual number of the gadget. Related software developed by, which is the operator of Wi-Fi in the capital’s subway. About this newspaper “Izvestia” said a source in the State Unitary Enterprise “Moscow Metro».


 According to him, the passenger will be required to register in the system only once, and during the next trip it will already be “learn” on an individual room and immediately connected to Wi-Fi.


 And as the newspaper notes, if you know an individual number, then it can learn the secret service’s name and other details of the owner of the gadget.


Something went wrong again. Missile launches “Soyuz-ST” from Kourou suspended – BFM.Ru

European satellites “Galileo” were not printed to the desired orbit, although the rise and the first part of the flight of rockets “Soyuz-ST” were held on 22 August in the normal mode. Experts set causes unsuccessful launch

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Raketa- “Soyuz-FG” with the upper stage “Fregat” and navigation spacecraft of the European Space Agency “ZHSTB-B2 / B» (GIOVE-B) system “Galileo”. Photo: ITAR-TASS

The experts identified two preliminary versions of the reasons unsuccessful launch of a Russian rocket with European satellite “Galileo”: either there was some anomaly in the functioning of the apparatus, or the failure of the orientation sensors booster. Russian upper stage “Fregat-MT” could not bring in the desired orbit of European satellites. Missile boosters “Soyuz-ST” from Kourou suspended.

Experts believe that in the determination of the causes of unsuccessful start-up may take more than one day. But to put this accident in line with previous unsuccessful launch is not necessary, I’m sure vice -President “Ingosstrakh” the deputy head of the insurance space and aviation risks Alexander Podchufarov.

Alexander Podchufarov

Vice President” Ingosstrakh »

Have insured satellites and the launch itself, not reported. The failure of the rocket “Soyuz” should not affect the interest of foreign partners to cooperate with Russia in the space industry. In particular, according to the chief editor of the “News of Cosmonautics” Igor Marinin, the Europeans in this situation have no choice.

Igor Marinin

editor in chief of the magazine “News of Cosmonautics»

In Roskomose failed to promptly comment on the situation. In the Russian office of the European Space Agency referred to the fact that all those who might say something about the incident while on vacation.


Russia will continue to work on the ISS, and after 2020 – RuNews24.ru – hour news service


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Russia will continue to work on the ISS after 2020




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Russia can continue to work on the ISS, and after 2020.

Despite the fact that the Russian side planned after 2020 to proceed with the other, more advanced, space programs, the likelihood of continued participation in the ISS project is 90%.

It is reported by the representative of the Russian Space Agency. In addition, Russia will continue to produce new modules for the space station in accordance with the same work schedule.

We recall that the decision to terminate the cooperation in the space sector was due to sanctions imposed against Russia, the EU and the United States. Then, NASA was in favor of the termination of the joint work with Russia, but for the ISS was the exception, as in this project is interested in the first place the American side. In response to that, Dmitry Rogozin, Russian Deputy Prime Minister, said that after 2020 Russia will interrupt the participation in the ISS project.

Photo: open source




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Apple announced the technical problems in the iPhone 5 – RBC

Related articles:

Apple has acknowledged the possibility of problems with smartphones model iPhone 5. Due to technical problems the batteries some devices may require much more frequent than expected, charge. In this case, the battery life will be shorter than normal.

In a message posted on the site Apple, it is noted that the problem of batteries to be replaced free of charge at the service centers of the company. In the United States and China battery replacement program has already started, in other countries it is scheduled to start August 29, 2014.

For those who have already changed the defective battery at its own expense, to Apple promised to return the money.

The company emphasized that the problem affected “a very small” share of the smartphone, issued during the period from September 2012 to January of 2013. And because iPhone owners Advice: Before running the service center to check, whether the battery replacement program on their smartphone. To do this, enter the serial number of the unit in a special online form Apple.

In the spring of 2014 Apple has already spent on the share of free repairing the iPhone 5, released in March 2013. Then problems arose with the button on-off devices.

It was reported earlier that Apple has ordered a Japanese company Sharp and Japan Display screens for the new iPhone 6, and other components to displays – South Korea’s LG Display. It was assumed that this summer Apple factories in China will build a production model of the new iPhone, the total size of home party has been identified in a record 80 million copies.

As expected, the new screens are Apple’s smartphone will be significantly more than that of manufactured Now models. If the iPhone 5 screen size is 4 inches, then the screens of new products will grow to 4.7 and even 5.5 inches. It is expected that the screens will be equipped with advanced sensors able to respond differently to different pressing force. In addition, the new iPhone will be thinner and will gain more rounded shape.

Eugene Kalyuk

August 25, 2014


Roscosmos start developing space robot for ISS – Russian Dialogue

2017 Federal Space Agency will begin the development of a robotic astronaut, to help the crew to the ISS.

This is stated in the project “Federal Space Program for 2016-2025 years».

«Elements and components of mechatronic systems that are resistant to long-term effects of space environment must be created by 2017 year. Prototypes of robots for space purposes should be ready in 2019, “- said in the document.

With 2020 already planned to begin testing the robot. ISS already working robots with the United States, Japan and Europe. The robot is controlled by a man dressed in a special suit that helps the robot to copy human movement.

«The closest analogue to the development of the Russian SAR-401 is created by NASA and General Motors anthropomorphic manipulator torsovyh Robonaut. Of course, the basis for both development laid the same principle – humanoid. The difference lies in its embodiment. The first SAR-401 differs solution kinematic scheme, which makes it more acceptable weight and size specifications: weight – 40 kg; Height – 820 mm; scope of manipulators – 2050 mm, “- said the representative of the NGO” android Appliances »Oksana Zakharova.

However, the Russian side, as it is known, refused to use the ISS after 2020.

« We plan that we need to ISS 2020. After 2020, we would like to divert these funds to more promising space projects “, – said Rogozin.

-> ->

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AMD has officially announced the video card Radeon R9 285 – Info Altay.RU

AMD has officially announced the launch of video cards Radeon R9 285 based GPU Tonga. This was announced at a special event company dedicated to the 30th anniversary of graphics cards and games.

Video Radeon R9 285 is built on 28-nanometer chip Tonga Pro and is equipped with 2 and 4 GB of memory GDDR5. New works from 1792 stream processors, 112 texture units and 32 ROP units. Novick supports Direct X 12, API Mantle and TrueAudio.

the video card power consumption Radeon R9 285 to 190 watt, which requires additional power from two connectors PCI-E Power.

In addition to the model will be released a more powerful graphics card Radeon R9 285X , uses a 2048 stream processors and 384-bit bus.

In the sale of video card will come after September 2, the estimated cost is $ 249.


Sunday, August 24, 2014

Telecommunications company China Telecom will sell a version of the smartphone Apple iPhone 6 without reference to the operator – iXBT.com


The output of the new smartphone Apple’s no longer a secret. Recently, on the Apple iPhone 6 appeared quite a lot of different information, including spy photos of the device.


China’s state telecommunications company China Telecom, which is one of the largest partners Apple, in his blog has posted news about Apple iPhone 6 with the appropriate banner (This post was almost immediately deleted). From these data it is known that the unlocked version of the Apple iPhone 6 (without reference to the operator) will be available in three color design, and supports networks of LTE, 3G, CDMA and GSM.

confirm or deny this information can only premier unit, which is expected on September 9th.

Source: GSMArena


Modular Android-smartphone Ara receive processors Rockchip – Overclockers.ru

Although the news about modular smartphone Ara, which leads the development of advanced technology division of Google, do not appear often, the device gradually moves to its opening, scheduled for next year. As writes Paul Eremenko, who heads the project, last week the company Toshiba has transferred into the production circuit (ASIC) switches and bridges UniPro – a special interface used for communication modules smartphone Ara. In the first prototype, Spiral 1, the developers used in the FPGA implementation UniPro in Spiral 2 should appear above mentioned ASIC.

In addition, in connection with the release of Spiral 2 will be updated set of software developer MDK, and released new hardware. At the end of this year is scheduled the second conference of developers.

It is also involved in the project Ara company Rockchip, which will be developed by the system on chip with congenital interface support UniPro. The smartphone it can be used without an additional “binding”. Rockchip processors appear in the prior art Spiral 2, which should be presented in early 2015.


Roscosmos develop a system to protect the Earth from asteroids – novostinauki


 On the basis of the Russian Space Agency in the future system will be developed to protect the planet from the asteroid rain. Also, the agency will offer advanced protection system of the Earth from comets and other celestial objects. Scientific work in these areas is provided by the Federal Space Program for the period from 2016 to 2025. The final etude will be coordination of the program by the Government of the Russian Federation. 1313808828_46886.jpg The new program includes the development of the Russian Space Agency systems to scan space for rapprochement with land potentially dangerous space bodies. Subsequently to these bodies will run special devices to change their path of movement. Roscosmos space protection system will be developed only after working technology with cosmic bodies on the basis of a ground control with a special trainer. New security system will start at an existing Mission Control Center. The development of this program will cost Roscosmos 23 billion rubles. Overall, the ten-year space program of the federal budget allocated 2.3 trillion rubles. Earlier about the need to run such a system in operation, said Russian President Vladimir Putin, Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin, and Emergencies Minister Vladimir Puchkov, after the explosion of a meteorite on Chelyabinsk in 2013. Then after falling 17-meter meteorite affected more than 1,500 people, and the damage from the explosion of a capacity of 100 – 200 kilotons of TNT was about 1 billion rubles. Also planned to further modernization “Baikonur” implicit agreement has Putin and Nazarbayev as of January 9, 2004. Russia extended the lease time “Baikonur” to 2050, for which he will pay $ 5.3 billion to Kazakhstan. Rental period on the same city is endowed with the status of the federal city of Russia. Asteroid could wipe out life on Earth in 2880 created a system of early warning of cardiac arrest American schoolgirl came up with a means of trolling the web ten-flight “Rosetta” is coming to an end the United States adopted a policy to reduce the scientific cooperation with Russia, Russia is ready to begin the conquest of the solar system, together with China In NASA consider possible cooperation with Russia on ISS after 2020 Read also Chelyabinsk meteorite has become a treasure trove for scientists (0) Scientists have talked about the past Chelyabinsk meteorite (0) permissible age Chelyabinsk meteorite (0) Russia will build its counterpart ISS (3) Russia colonizes the moon from 2030 (2) Russia is ready to begin the conquest of the solar system, together with China (1) Lake CHebarkul found another large chunk of meteorite (0) “Hubble” for the first time managed to remove the decay of the asteroid (1) “Roskosmos” developing a new rocket to fly the moon (0) Every day – that a new tomb (0) Scienceblogru? d = 7Q72WNTAKBA Scienceblogru? i = JJGSa_ULSqM: 31-jYw8O0Lk: F7zBnMyn0Lo Scienceblogru? d = 8XyCkdGAtlU  Scienceblogru? d = H78OsBa9S1M  Scienceblogru? d = s8oGHXtUVoE Scienceblogru? d = I37N9Zr_7po  Scienceblogru? i = JJGSa_ULSqM: 31-jYw8O0Lk: D7DqB2pKExk  JJGSa_ULSqM


China Telecom has declassified information about the iPhone 6 – RBC

Chinese telecom operator China Telecom has declassified iPhone 6 for two weeks prior to the proposed presentation. Information appeared on Weibo, the Chinese counterparts Twitter.

Record has been removed from the microblog, but Chinese media have managed to make a copy of the page that immediately spread through the Internet. In advertising communication operator belongs to the three largest companies in the country, has published terms of sale apple news and picture, which may well prove to be the official promotional image of the sixth iPhone in three colors.

This, however, is not the first leaked. Pictures of the new smartphone from Apple appeared in April. They recreated from drawings, allegedly stolen from the manufacturer. It is expected that Apple will introduce the world iPhone September 6 September it will be models with screen sizes of 4.7 and 5 5 inches. Sales will begin in 2 weeks after the presentation.


Missile launches “Soyuz-ST” from Kourou suspended until troubleshooting – RBC

RBC 08.24.2014, Moscow 06:34:24 Launches Russian carrier rockets “Soyuz-ST” from Kourou (French Guiana, South America) suspended until troubleshooting which actually led to the loss of the two European satellite company said Arianespace.

The Rise and the first part of the flight “Soyuz-ST” satellites on board were held August 22 in the normal mode, but after separation of the satellites revealed that they have not entered the preset orbit.

Both sides booster “Fregat”, which for some reason have not coped with the task entrusted to them, and both satellites are in a stable position and does not pose a risk to fall on the people.

On Monday, Arianespace, the European Space Agency and the European Commission will start an independent investigation into the incident for ascertaining its causes. Appropriate conclusions should lead to the development of corrective actions that will enable fast resume launches “Soyuz” from the Guiana Space Center, while ensuring complete safety.

The satellites were launched in the framework of the EU satellite navigation system and the European Space Agency Galileo (Galileo), which is designed to solve the geodetic and navigation tasks.


Saturday, August 23, 2014

Roscosmos will send into orbit “cleaner» – BFM.Ru

The device will be removed from orbit served their satellites and boosters

The Russian Space Agency is developing a machine to clean the geostationary orbit debris. This was reported by “Izvestia».

It is expected that work on the creation of “liquidators” such is the business name of the space, “cleaner” – will cost 10.8 billion rubles. Design should begin in 2018, and by 2025 the machine should be ready to start. Parameters of the device contained in the draft Federal Space Program: weight maintenance unit – 4 tons, lifetime – 10 years in the implementation of at least 20 cycles of removal, the number of consecutive deleted boosters and spacecraft in the same cycle – 10 pieces, removing the cycle – to 6 months.

The problem of space debris is particularly relevant in the geostationary orbit, located at an altitude of 36,000 kilometers above the sea level around the equator. GSO satellites operate communications and broadcasting, it is the most commercially in demand. Space cleaner can either push the collected debris into a higher orbit, where it does not hurt anyone, or to flood it in the so-called graveyard of spaceships in the Pacific Ocean near Christmas Island.

Among the possible development machine Office calls RSC “Energia”, Khrunichev, Lavochkin, ISS Reshetnev. The problem itself is considered to be highly complex. Most likely it will be the executor of the company, which has extensive experience in rendezvous and docking in orbit.

According to the American agencies US Space Surveillance Network, now in low Earth orbit rotates 16.2 thousand objects, collision which could lead to the elimination of spacecraft. Additional difficulty in cleaning the debris is that when you try to eliminate it can form fragments, each of which would constitute a threat to operational spacecraft.

On the eve of the Russian Space Agency experts said the launch of the Russian carrier rocket “Soyuz -ST B “from Kourou in French Guiana. Rocket into orbit two European navigation satellites Galileo FOC.


Microbiologists first found the bacteria in Antarctic lake – News project INFOX.ru

Source: AP Photo / David Goldman


the first American scientists have found microbes beneath the ice Antarctic lake. Bacterial community pond existed in complete isolation, hundreds of thousands of years.

This is stated in the article from the University of Montana,
 published in the latest issue of the journal Nature.

Bacterial RNA was isolated from the samples, scientists,
 taken from the subglacial lake Uillans in January 2013. This lake,
 Located 650 kilometers from the South Pole, hidden under a 800-meter layer
 ice, its depth is only 1.5 meters. Experts have all
 possible, so as not to contaminate the sample with modern bacteria.

Most microorganisms identified in lake water, refer to the Archean,
 a special group that is different from the rest of the bacteria. The most abundant of these
 representatives Nitrotoga arctica, constituting 13% of the lake microbes. They
 live at the expense of nitrification - the oxidation of ammonia, which is rich in

In one milliliter of water contains Uillans about 130,000 bacteria of
 They have both sticks and cocci. Organic and mineral substances, by
 microorganisms which live in the lake, there were about a million years ago -
 that's when the last time it was contacted with the surface.

Earlier, Russian scientists have already made it to the subglacial Lake Vostok, however,
 Unlike their American counterparts, they were not able to get water from it. In the hands of our
 compatriots hit the ice of the frozen on the storm that affected the results
 research. In total there are more than 400 Antarctic subglacial lakes. By
 According to the authors, many of them also have a life.


Foreigners can not enter into the Russian Wi-Fi – The News

Foreigners can not enter into the Russian Wi-Fi without a passport

Photo: Lime / Vladimir Suvorov

Government adopted amendments to the rules of communication services will enable the Russians did not show a passport, to use public Wi-Fi. Instead, you can use the identification number on a mobile phone or via the website of public services. But foreigners who want to take advantage of Wi-Fi in the Russian park, coffee shop or subway, such a simple way to make sure the person will not do, say lawyers.

accepted July 31 government decree added to the Russian “Service Rules of data transmission, “a new paragraph. Henceforth, in the provision of one-time data services in the community access points (such as public Wi-Fi networks), the operator shall ensure that the identification of users and equipment they use. “User authentication is carried out by establishing … surname, first name, middle name (if any) the user confirms the identity document».

This decision caused a lot of questions from operators and owners of the objects with public Wi-Fi. And on August 12 the rules were liberalized. Identity can now be “otherwise providing reliable establishment of the above information.” For example, by establishing a reliable cell phone numbers. As is known, Russia SIM-card is necessary to issue the passport, and according to the law “On Communications” law enforcement authorities may request the operator information about users. Another method specified in the amendment of August 12 – Authorization of public services through the website.

In the Ministry of Communications note: in the decree number 801 of August 12, does not say that the phone number must be from the Russian operator . But foreign cellular companies are not required to respond to requests from Russian law enforcement agencies. And in the Wi-Fi network required “to provide user authentication.” The Russian government services online also foreigners are not registered.

– Personal identification can not be made to a foreign phone number – recognizes Sergey Zuikov, CEO of the law firm “Zuikov and partners.” – Therefore, a foreigner to access the public Internet in Russia must present a passport or get a Russian phone number.

Subscriber foreign mobile operator, you can send an SMS with a code that must be entered to access the public Wi-Fi . But it does not help to identify the identity of the caller, the Ombudsman recognizes Russian Internet Dmitry Marinichev. For foreigners need other methods of identification.

– The operator chooses the method of identification, and it is possible that some of them will be able to offer users several options, – said the representative of the Ministry of Communications Catherine Osadchaya.

According Marinicheva, future problems with the identification of Internet users only worsen.

– After a year or two the number of devices that will be able to connect to the network will be an order of magnitude higher than the number of people. Identify any device unreal – he argues. – It is necessary to cancel the decision. In its current form, it will require a lot of explanations and other documents, but it still will not work.

Marinichev reported that it creates a working group to form a consolidated position of the industry. To participate in it will be invited to all relevant organizations, such as the Russian Association of Electronic Communications. When the proposals will be formed, they will be sent to the Russian President.


Foreigners can not enter into the Russian Wi-Fi – The News

Foreigners can not enter into the Russian Wi-Fi without a passport

Photo: Lime / Vladimir Suvorov

Government adopted amendments to the rules of communication services will enable the Russians did not show a passport, to use public Wi-Fi. Instead, you can use the identification number on a mobile phone or via the website of public services. But foreigners who want to take advantage of Wi-Fi in the Russian park, coffee shop or subway, such a simple way to make sure the person will not do, say lawyers.

accepted July 31 government decree added to the Russian “Service Rules of data transmission, “a new paragraph. Henceforth, in the provision of one-time data services in the community access points (such as public Wi-Fi networks), the operator shall ensure that the identification of users and equipment they use. “User authentication is carried out by establishing … surname, first name, middle name (if any) the user confirms the identity document».

This decision caused a lot of questions from operators and owners of the objects with public Wi-Fi. And on August 12 the rules were liberalized. Identity can now be “otherwise providing reliable establishment of the above information.” For example, by establishing a reliable cell phone numbers. As is known, Russia SIM-card is necessary to issue the passport, and according to the law “On Communications” law enforcement authorities may request the operator information about users. Another method specified in the amendment of August 12 – Authorization of public services through the website.

In the Ministry of Communications note: in the decree number 801 of August 12, does not say that the phone number must be from the Russian operator . But foreign cellular companies are not required to respond to requests from Russian law enforcement agencies. And in the Wi-Fi network required “to provide user authentication.” The Russian government services online also foreigners are not registered.

– Personal identification can not be made to a foreign phone number – recognizes Sergey Zuikov, CEO of the law firm “Zuikov and partners.” – Therefore, a foreigner to access the public Internet in Russia must present a passport or get a Russian phone number.

Subscriber foreign mobile operator, you can send an SMS with a code that must be entered to access the public Wi-Fi . But it does not help to identify the identity of the caller, the Ombudsman recognizes Russian Internet Dmitry Marinichev. For foreigners need other methods of identification.

– The operator chooses the method of identification, and it is possible that some of them will be able to offer users several options, – said the representative of the Ministry of Communications Catherine Osadchaya.

According Marinicheva, future problems with the identification of Internet users only worsen.

– After a year or two the number of devices that will be able to connect to the network will be an order of magnitude higher than the number of people. Identify any device unreal – he argues. – It is necessary to cancel the decision. In its current form, it will require a lot of explanations and other documents, but it still will not work.

Marinichev reported that it creates a working group to form a consolidated position of the industry. To participate in it will be invited to all relevant organizations, such as the Russian Association of Electronic Communications. When the proposals will be formed, they will be sent to the Russian President.
