Sunday, May 22, 2016

The cause memory impairment found in the gut –

According to a study of biologists from the Centre for Molecular Medicine, a long course of antibiotics, which destroy the intestinal bacteria, slows the production of new brain cells and leads to memory impairment. This indicates the relationship between the microflora of the digestive system and the brain. The work published in Cell Reports.

In the experiments, the researchers used mice that during the first seven weeks watered with plain water. Once it began to add antibiotics in animals has decreased the number of new nerve cells in the hippocampus – part of the brain responsible for emotions and the formation of the transition to long-term memory.

Tests have shown that in mice greatly deteriorated memory . Scientists explain this result is the fact that intestinal bacteria influence the development of the central nervous system. Such effects are mediated through immune system cells. Injection of immune cells called Ly6Chi monootsitami returns neurogenesis to the previous level.

In addition, the researchers found that exercise and treatment of probiotics of the eight species of live bacteria also increase the number of newborn nerve cells and improves memory in mice subjected to the action of antibiotics. According to the researchers, the discovery makes it possible to improve mental health by regulating the composition of microorganisms in the digestive tract.

It is too early to say whether a short course on the memory of antibiotics affect, but scientists believe that certain probiotics may be helpful for people who prescribed treatment with antibacterial drugs.

Probiotics are micro-organisms or bacterial agents, as well as foods containing live microcultures, which are used for medicinal purposes. Probiotics can exert modulatory effects on the immune system and some carcinogenesis.


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