Saturday, May 21, 2016

In the social network “VKontakte” a new page MDK community – RIA Novosti


(updated: )


MOSCOW, May 21 -. RIA Novosti Blocked court decision MDK community transfers of subscribers to the new Public with the same name

“We know what you missed,” -. said in a statement MDK on Twitter, which also indicated a new community address in “VKontakte”.

in this case, the general director of LLC “MDC” Roberto Panchvidze said the administration group does not know why the beginning of a user is forwarded to a blocked page on new.

“What’s happening, but I can not say anything concrete. For myself it’s a surprise. The transfer takes place, but I can not say anything on this issue “, – he said in an interview to” 360 “

Prior to lock in the community had over 7.1 million subscribers Currently, the Public 4.2 million people signed.. , the number of subscribers continues to increase.

Access to MDK page was blocked in the morning on 21 May. If you try to go to a page stating that the lock content Public carried out based on the decision Smolny district court of St. Petersburg, which is October 27, 2015 decided to terminate the on-line community activities. The court granted, in addition, the information housed there demands the prosecutor pointed out that the community found evidence of desecration of religious literature and ideological symbols and attributes that may offend the sensibilities of children, adolescents and their families.

MDK – the most popular community social network “VKontakte”, there are about 7.5 million subscribers Publications Public -. this humorous pictures and jokes



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