Friday, May 20, 2016

Telescope Hubble photographed Mars near – Moskovsky Komsomolets

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Today, at 16:08, views: 2736

Taking advantage of the convergence of Earth and Mars, the Hubble Space Telescope has made a picture of the Red planet with the minimum distance. In the resulting image, taken from a distance of about 80 million kilometers of the Red Planet can be considered in detail, the report said the US space agency NASA.

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The telescope frame hit, including the polar caps and cloud Red Planet shield volcano Syrtis Major, Hellas Planitia, reaching 1 770 kilometers in diameter as well as extensive hill called Arab land and some other “attractions” of Mars. In one of the presented versions of the photos of the most interesting points are marked by arrows and signed.

Experts also point out that the picture you can see the point at which were landing probe Viking 1 and lander Mars Pathfinder, and the rover Opportunity, working on the surface of the Red planet until now.

Telescope Hubble regularly takes pictures of Mars in times closer to the Earth it. It is also known to many obtained with the help of pictures of deep space. The telescope was launched in 1990.

In the near future convergence of Earth and Mars allow you to see the planet in the starry sky to anyone who will look carefully at the south-western part of the sky. Tomorrow, 21 May, closer to coincide with the full moon, and at a minimum distance from the Earth, Mars will be May 30

It was recently announced that the US plans in 2028 to send to the orbit of Mars, the first manned spacecraft -. Previously expected, it’s going to happen five years later. Experts hope that the expedition of this kind will bring the pace of the study of the Red Planet to the next level

By the way, yesterday it became known that on Mars traces of two tsunamis were discovered, occurred about 3.5 billion years ago -. It again It proves that in the past there was an ocean on a planet of liquid water.


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