Friday, February 12, 2016

Why is it important discovery of gravitational waves – BBC

How did the hunt for waves

<-! place 8068283, /> science / 2016/02 / 11_a_8068283.shtml, nm2015 / v2 / article / incut, incut1_link ->

«Not long ago, a strong interest in the scientific community has caused a series of long-term experiments on the direct observation of gravitational waves – wrote an expert in the field of theoretical physics Michio Kaku in his book “Einstein’s Cosmos” in 2004. – LIGO Project ( “Laser Interferometer to observe gravitational waves”) will probably be the first in which will be able to “see” gravitational waves, most likely from the collision of two black holes in deep space. LIGO – a dream come true physics, the first installation of sufficient capacity to measure the gravitational waves »

Prediction Kaku came true: on Thursday, a group of international scientists from the observatory LIGO announced the discovery of gravitational waves <.. /> span>

Gravitational waves – a space-time fluctuations, which “escape” from a massive object (such as black holes), moving with acceleration. In other words, gravitational waves – is spreading space-time disturbance, creeping deformation absolute emptiness

The Black Hole -. This is an area in space-time, the gravity of which is so great an attraction that to leave it can not even objects moving the speed of light (light itself and including). The boundary that separates the black hole from the rest of the world, called the event horizon:. Everything that happens inside the event horizon, hidden from the eyes of an external observer

Catch scientists began more gravitational waves half a century ago: it was then that the American physicist Joseph Weber became interested in Einstein’s general theory of relativity, he took a sabbatical and began to study gravitational waves. Weber invented the first device detects gravitational waves, and soon announced that fixed the “sound of gravitational waves.” However, the scientific community has denied him a message.

However, it is thanks to Joseph Weber huge number of scientists became “hunters waves.” Today, Weber considered the father of the scientific direction of gravitational-wave astronomy

«This is – the beginning of a new era of gravitational astronomy».

<-! place 8062529, /> science / 2016/02 / 08_a_8062529 .shtml, nm2015 / v2 / article / incut, incut2_link ->

LIGO Observatory, where scientists have recorded gravity waves, consists of three laser facilities in the United States: two are located in Washington state, and one – in the state of Louisiana. This is how the work of laser detectors Michio Kaku: “The laser beam is split into two separate beams, which are then run perpendicular to each other. Then, after reflection from the mirror, they re-connected. If through the interferometer (meter) will host a gravitational wave, the length of the paths of the two laser beams undergo anger and this will be reflected in their interference pattern. To make sure that the signal is registered by a laser machine, is not accidental, detectors should be placed at different points of the Earth.

Only under the influence of the gigantic gravitational wave is much greater than the size of our planet, all detectors will work at the same time. »

Now the LIGO collaboration fixed gravitational radiation caused by the merger of a binary system of black holes with masses of 36 and 29 solar masses into an object the mass of 62 solar masses. “This is the first direct (it is very important that this direct!) Measurement of gravitational waves – gave a comment to the correspondent department of science” Gazety.Ru “Professor of the Physics Department of Moscow State University Sergey Vjatchanin. – That is the signal received from astrophysical catastrophe merger of two black holes. And this signal is identified – it is also very important! Clearly, this is of two black holes. And this is the beginning of a new era of gravitational astronomy, which will provide information about the universe, not only through optical, X-ray, electromagnetic and neutrino sources -. But also through the gravitational waves

You can tell that by 90 percent black holes ceased to be hypothetical objects. A certain proportion of doubt remained, but all the same signal that is caught, it was too good to go to bed that predict countless simulations the merger of two black holes in accordance with the general theory of relativity.

This is a strong argument that black holes exist. Another explanation of this signal is not present. Therefore, it is assumed that black holes exist. ”

«Einstein would have been very happy»

<-! place 8024867, /> science / 2016/01 / 16_a_8024867.shtml, nm2015 / v2 / article / incut, incut3_link - ->

The gravity waves as part of its general relativity (GR) predicted Albert Einstein (who, incidentally, was skeptical about the existence of black holes). In general relativity, the three spatial dimensions added time, and the world is four-dimensional. According to the theory in turning upside down the whole of physics, gravity – it is a consequence of the curvature of space-time under the influence of the mass.

Einstein proved that any matter moving with acceleration, creates a disturbance of space-time – gravitational waves. This disturbance is greater, the higher the acceleration and the mass of the object.

Due to the weakness of the gravitational force compared to other fundamental interactions of these waves should have a very small amount, is difficult to registration.

Explaining GRT humanities, physics often ask them to submit stretched sheet of rubber, which lowered the massive balls. Balls forced rubber and stretched sheet (which represents the space-time) is deformed. According to general relativity, the whole universe – a tire, on which every planet, every star and every galaxy leave dents. The Earth revolves around the sun like a small ball, which was started to ride around the cone of the funnel formed as a result of “punching” the spacetime heavy ball

Heavy ball -. It is the sun.

It is likely that the discovery of gravitational waves, which is the main confirmation of Einstein’s theory, claims to be the Nobel Prize in physics. “Einstein would have been very happy,” – said Gabriela Gonzalez, a spokesman for collaboration LIGO

According to the scientists, it is too early to talk about the practical applicability of the discoveries.. “Although perhaps Heinrich Hertz (German physicist who proved the existence of electromagnetic waves – Times”) have thought that would be a mobile phone? No! Now we can not imagine anything – said Valery Mitrofanov, Professor of the Physics Department of Moscow State University. MV Lomonosov. – I am guided by the film “Interstellar”. His critics, yes, but imagine flying carpet could even wild man. And the magic carpet realized the plane and all. And here is necessary to present something very complicated. The “Interstellar” one of the moments due to the fact that a person can travel from one world to another. If so put, do you believe that a person can travel from one world to another, there may be many universes – whatever? I can not answer “no.” Because the physicist can not answer this question “no”! Only if it is contrary to some conservation laws! There are options that do not contradict known physical laws. So travel through the worlds can be!. »


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