Saturday, February 20, 2016

Why hallucinations – that’s fine – BBC

According to the WHO, one in five people in the world suffer from various mental disorders. However, most healthy people also experienced symptoms characteristic of a neurological disease. These symptoms include and hallucinations – the images that arise in the mind without the influence of an external stimulus. Hallucinations are not only visual:. For example, visceral hallucinations are the sensation of a foreign object or a living organism under the skin or in the body

Treat or mutilate

The emergence of hallucinations in healthy people is due not only? with alcohol or illegal drugs. A group of scientists from Harvard Medical School, Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston conducted a study which found that between taking antibiotics and delusional disorders there is a link

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it has been previously observed the appearance of neurological problems in some cases, the use of antibiotics, but this issue was not devoted little or no research. It is believed that the risk of developing cognitive impairment as a result of taking these drugs susceptible to the elderly:

2-12% of cases of senility or dementia were caused by toxic effects of medicines <. /> p>

The study, published in the journal Neurology , included an analysis of medical records of 391 patients who had after taking antibiotics were observed symptoms of delirium – mental disorders, for which accompanied by delusions, hallucinations, disorientation in time and space. The study considered 54 types of 12 classes of drugs, including penicillin and cefepime.

in 47% of patients met hallucinations and delusions, even 14% – convulsions, 15% – muscle twitching, 5% almost lost control of his movements.

Scientists have classified the human reaction to an antibiotic in three categories. The first category is characterized by convulsions that accompany the administration of penicillin and cephalosporin. In this case the symptoms disappear within two days after the end of treatment. The second group of people turned out to be susceptible to psychosis as a result of receiving such drugs as procaine penicillin, sulfonamides, fluoroquinolones and macrolides. The third category includes the anomaly on electroencephalography, impaired coordination of movements and other neurological problems caused by the intake of metronidazole. In contrast to the first two categories were not the symptoms last for several weeks after discontinuation of medication

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The authors suggested that delusional disorder can be caused by infection itself, rather than antibiotics, which are struggling with it. However, if the disease did not affect the central nervous system, cause of hallucinations and other symptoms of the wing in medicines. Dr. Bhattacharya, who led the research, said: “Antibiotics do not just react to the bacteria, but can have a striking effect on brain function. Various drugs can cause different deviations ».

In medical practice, there are also events , when mental disorders were caused by analgesics. For fourteen girl after taking codeine drug complained of drowsiness and loss of concentration.

Moreover, it has been observed hallucinations and memory loss. Doctors found no other cause symptoms other than codeine overdose.

lack of sleep and coffee will lead to visions

The researchers also found that the occurrence of mental disorders can affect household reasons. For example, the staff of Johns Hopkins Hospital in Maryland shown , that lack of sleep can also cause hallucinations and delusions. During the experiment, the patient 122 ICU to regular review by a confusion diagnostic method for screening delirium. Researchers have consistently improved their sleep conditions: first night stopped the blood collection process, and then offered to the participants of the experiment earplugs and mask for sleep and stopped giving medication at bedtime. As a result, all patients were recorded decrease delirium symptoms

Another action that can cause hallucinations and makes many regularly -. Coffee consumption. Many people do not hesitate to drink a few cups of coffee a day, and in fact has two cup, according to research, can cause feelings of anxiety, nausea, headache, sleep disturbances and arrhythmia

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Doses more than 750 mg of caffeine lead to more serious consequences, it is including light-headedness, ringing in the ears and hallucinations in the form of light flashes.

You have hallucinations? This is normal!

However, despite the frightening abundance of factors that cause hallucinations, people have no reason to worry. Researchers concluded that the visual and auditory hallucinations may also occur in completely healthy people. The study, published in the journal JAMA Psychiatry , says that 5% of people at least once in my life seen any existing objects or hear imaginary sounds, with no abnormalities have been observed in their psyche. Researchers clarify that a third of those who faced the hallucinations experienced it only once in life, another third – from two to five times

Sound hallucinations were more. specific to women, and people in the developed countries are faced with two types of hallucinations are more likely than those who live in developing countries

in addition, the researchers found:. hallucinations arise from the fact that the brain some people have an increased ability to draw conclusions from the existing visual information and predict the situation. The study published in the journal PNAS.

Anyone who has the ability to finish building a picture of what is happening on the basis of information already available. So, seeing the silhouettes of furniture in a dark room, a person can easily determine where there is a table, and where – a sofa

However, it is this ability and becomes a cause hallucinations:

when a person perceives these fragmentary image data is too sharp, his mind tends to complete construction of a picture, which in reality does not exist.


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