Wednesday, February 24, 2016

The satellite “Lomonosov” is sent to the cosmodrome East – BBC

February 24 representatives of the corporation “VNIIEM” (Scientific Production Corporation “Space monitoring, information management and electromechanical systems” them. Iosif’yan AG), together with scientists from Moscow State University. MV University held a press conference on the final stages of preparing the spacecraft for scientific purposes “Lomonosov” to send it to the cosmodrome East

Spacecraft “Lomonosov.” – International project in the creation of which was attended by scientists, graduate and undergraduate students from South Korea, Spain, Canada, USA, Poland, Germany, Italy and Spain.

«Lomonosov» is intended for research of extreme cosmic phenomena in the Earth’s atmosphere, near space and the universe, such as gamma-ray bursts and cosmic rays of extremely high energy. In addition, the satellite will monitor the radiation situation and monitoring of dangerous objects in near-Earth space with a network of ground-based telescopes, “Master”.
All scientific data from the spacecraft, “Lomonosov”, will be available to the world scientific community concerned with fundamental astrophysics, astrophysics, Earth’s atmosphere and other phenomena.

Launch “Lomonosov” will first start, implemented from the Baikonur East. Held a press conference was the last opportunity to see the device before sending it to the launch site.

Opening the press conference, the rector of Moscow State University. MV Lomonosov Moscow State University Viktor Sadovnichy said: “Scientists from the Moscow State University participated in the development of equipment for the first artificial satellites. This space program at Moscow University started to launch their own satellites. In 2005 it was launched the satellite “Tatiana”, in 2009 – “Tatiana-2». They successfully completed their programs. Now we start the real space research station. No university in the world has such cosmic science lab »

. <-! place 8033489, /> science / 2016/01 / 21_a_8033489.shtml, nm2015 / v2 / article / incut, incut2_link ->

MSU Rector expressed his gratitude for the help in the creation of satellite counterparts from other countries: South Korea, Spain, Canada, USA, Poland, Germany, Italy and Spain.

«the unit will go to the Eastern cosmodrome on March 3 – the director of JSC” Corporation “VNIIEM” Leonid Makridenko. – Then it will be ready to run for about a month. It remains to be set on it some equipment, such as a mirror for ultraviolet detector. Start time is already assigned – 5 hours 1 minute 21 seconds Moscow time. The launch date will be determined after carrying out comprehensive tests of all systems of the spaceport, spacecraft, and the main launch facility launch vehicle »

Reporter Department of Science” Gazety.Ru “talked with the engineers -. The sponsors. The chief designer of scientific equipment “Lomonosov” Ivan Yashin told about the unique device installed on board the module, -. The tracking camera

«Track camera is designed to record events that have linear characteristics in the Earth’s atmosphere, – said Yashin . – For example, the zipper is usually a linear spatial characteristics. Linear characteristics are also tracks that occur in the Earth’s atmosphere by the interaction of high-energy particles from the atmosphere. Since the radiation is very weak, for the registration of such particles required optical amplifier.

The unit “Lomonosov” role played by the mirror of the optical amplifier. In the focal plane of the mirror is a matrix that records the map of the Earth. The picture area of ​​several thousand square kilometers is projected onto an area of ​​30 by 30 cm

<-.! place 8032487, /> science / 2016/01 / 20_a_8032487.shtml, nm2015 / v2 / article / incut, incut3_link ->

In this area located 256 photomultipliers – very sensitive elements, which “see” light with an accuracy of one photon. The process, which is characterized by a linear spatial characteristics, stands out among other events, stored in the memory device, and then transmitted to Earth for analysis. This detector detects it light phenomena – photons. These photons are born as a result of secondary processes that occur as a result of the primary processes. The primary process is as follows. The particles – usually the protons and electrons – are accelerated into the Earth’s atmosphere to the monstrous energies (inaccessible to accelerators), interact with atoms in the atmosphere and give rise to secondary particles – so-called extensive air showers. The excited atoms emit electromagnetic radiation at the boundary of the optical and ultraviolet range (wavelength 300-400 nm), which registers the device. In addition, the X-ray machine installed detectors and gamma radiation. »

The chief designer of the satellite Rashid Salikhov explained, what is the uniqueness of the project. “Spacecraft” Lomonosov “is designed to study the extreme physical phenomena in the atmosphere, magnetosphere, ionosphere and distant space.

Its main purpose, of course, is the measurement of ultra-high-energy particles.

In addition, it will examine the sources and characteristics of the energy of gamma radiation. The device is equipped with scientific equipment that will allow both to explore the whole range of these phenomena. Namely, in the ultraviolet, visible and gamma ranges. Most new device is a track-setting, which allows us to study extensive air showers of high-energy particles. The basis of this spacecraft taken by the satellite platform “Canopus-B”, which was launched in 2012 and is in orbit. Module with scientific instruments designed jointly by scientists of Moscow State University, VNIIEM and foreign colleagues. »


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