Monday, December 29, 2014

Wow! Animals also like iPad – Softcraze

141219161502_animals_cat_ipad_624x351_getty Recently, the love of new gadgets is manifested not only in humans. But also in animals. Many of us at home noticed that the animals are watching with interest what is happening on television, often with great pleasure to listen to music vsemte with us and watch movies. Many cat trying to catch moving objects on the screen, as though what is involved in such an active interest in animals to modern technology. Scientists are also interested in the question-how for the animals understood our modern technology. And it turned out th at most of the animals with great pleasure playing computer games, solve puzzles, and even give preference to certain games on the tablet.

BBC Future. describe some of the experiments carried out by scientists and there are many amusing incidents.
example coal turtle Esme, Molly, and Emily Quinn contained in the Department of Cognitive Biology, University of Vienna were avid gamer. They love to play-on plates, and favorite dishes turtles is corn, strawberries and mushrooms. It turns turtle can not just play on the tablet, but can consciously tested for spatial perception. Scientists have been able to help the tablet may visually examine the thinking of reptiles.
Experiments were conducted biologist Julia Mueller-Paula, who was able to dobisya excellent results turtles make choices and in most cases is correct. According to the experimental conditions reptiles should touch his nose blue circle on the right side, and in some cases the blue circle located on the left side and turtles successfully coped with this task.
But US scientists decided to go much further in their research and to teach chimpanzees to communicate using a tablet. Participated in this study, pygmy chimpanzee Kanzi, who lives in the Fund apes in Des Moines, Iowa. During the experiment, the primacy perfectly mastered the plate and was able to learn how to communicate with scientists using the touch screen. For the experiment used 400 leksigrammam – images that represent words.
And in 2012, the TouchPad was used to examine myshleniya..Rezultaty studies have been published in the journal Animal Behaviour.
Conduct research psychologist Jennifer Vonk, it is known that the numerical Thinking is one of the most studied areas of cognitive science, and Vonk with scientist Michael Beran during the studies failed to show that the ability to score in the animals developed not only through social interaction (when considered in the number of members of groups), animal singles just perfectly able to considered. In a scientific experiment involved large predators – Himalayan bears Bru tus, Dusty and Bella, they live in the city zoo Wilmer, Alabama. During the experiment, the bears nose touched the necessary parts of the screen and as a reward received goodies. Bears, despite the fact that the animals are loners have successfully passed the tests and proved that the ability to account does not depend on the social activity of the animal.
Just recently quite fashionable trend in zoos using tablets to create comfort and entertainment animals . Many animals having fun solving puzzles and play various igrushki- just such an original way of thinking in zoos support primates in good shape, because in primates at the zoo comfortable life and not have to think about the production of food, shelter from predators on other domestic issues that they daily will decide on.
working on his thesis Helen Bustrom in 2012 conducted experiments with primates. She handed iPad 10 chimpanzees and orangutans in 6 Houston Zoo. New toys, made an impression on monkeys, e specially in young individuals who used the highest number of applications.
And among the adult category primate females were more active and more capable of learning. They liked and iPad and favorite applications and were used by all the time. The fact that female monkeys to better cope with the tablet is not surprising, in real life they are also much smarter than males can successfully use hand tools for getting termites.
Appears if configured in a certain way the plates, it is possible to diversify the life of monkeys in a zoo. Animals games are primarily interested in the younger generation, as a young and growing brain district more receptive to new tasks. Young individuals are attracted to bright colors and sounds reproducible devices.
IPad as well be a great toy for the penguins. In California, Long Beach aquarium penguins perfectly learned to play computer games .. The most favorite game of penguins became Game for Cats. Penguins followed the virtu al mouse and caught her beak. Newsom penguin liked not only the process of catching mice, as published by the tablet squeak when the penguin caught a mouse. And the record set penguin respectable 1600 points.
Turns and animals are human passions, many cats like to sleep on the laptop, watching movies with pleasure and seems to understand the story.

Tags: Ipad, animals and iPad

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