Thursday, December 18, 2014

Rosetta is waiting for Easter – BBC

dead or alive probe that is stranded on the comet; that finally captured his camera after landing and what to expect from the new mission Rosetta, told participants at a conference in the United States.

After more than a month after the first landing in the history of man-made device on the surface of a comet scientists European Space Agency broke the silence and told where in the actually find the lost probe “Fila” whether to hope for its revival and what has been learned about the new comet Churyumov – Gerasimenko. Platform for the publication of new results become autumn meeting of the American Geophysical Union, which is taking place these days in San Francisco.

November 12 probe “Fila” successfully approached the comet, but due to the failure of special harpoon was unable to gain a foothold on the surface, bounced to 3 km, again hit the surface and finally stopped in the distance from the initial touchdown places . After a few hours, he passed through the orbiter to Earth important information, after which he sat down without recharging the battery, and he hung up. According to the analysis of the photos sent by the probe, the researchers concluded that “Fila” after the rebound and flight eventually find peace somewhere between the two shaded hills that hide it from sunlight. Hide, but not completely.

It was found that during the day the comet probe, which is the size of a washing machine, covered 4 hours, 33 minutes of six hours of daylight on a comet, but it is not enough to revive the unit.

A photograph of one of the slope – Cliff Perihelion, as scientists call it, – announced yesterday. They believe that shine on the wall caused by the reflection of light by the probe. Based on the pictures, scientists have made a three-dimensional model of the area where the probe stopped – perhaps this will help in his quest.

However, scientists do not lose hope for a revival of the probe; Moreover, the majority of the members of the mission are confident that with the advent of “Summer” at the landing site of the probe light and the unit will be more come to life. The fact that the axis of rotation of the comet is at an angle to the orbital plane, and on it are replaced because “seasons”. “According to pessimistic assumptions, this happens after Easter, according to optimistic – much earlier. It depends on how the sun will rise above the local horizon, “- said a member of the mission, Jean-Pierre Bibring.

forecast uncertainty stems from the fact that scientists are still do not know where the lander bounced.

They have made several attempts to see probe sent orbiter images that have not yet led to the result. Recent pictures of the comet, made 12 and 14 December, have not yet reached the Earth, and scientists hope to see them on the probe. This is not an easy task: each image consists of 4,000,000 pixels, and scientists hope only on the human eye, which can notice the outline of the probe. “It sounds incredible, but the human eye – a great thing for such problems,” – says Holger Sirks, control cameras Osiris.

Wait for spring probe and a dozen scientific instruments it is not a problem, as it was designed and for use at low temperatures. Low light should be enough to keep the equipment operational. “I think we were able to make a strong gizmo – I suspect it will be in good shape,” – said Bibring.

To stop the probe in an unscheduled place can be a big success for the mission. “The material that we face is definitely fantastic. We see the wall, who are desperately looking for, made of ice and organics, “- said Bibring. Cliff, who has covered the unit from the Sun, it could end up if you do not save, then extend your life. The fact that the comet approaches the sun and reaches the closest approach in August 2015. Initially it was thought that the temperature rise will make it impossible for the probe to February or March. However, stay in the shade may prolong his life. Unexpected discoveries await astronomers and continues to rotate around the comet orbiter Rosetta.

It is expected that In February the bottom and will be flying at an altitude of only 6 km above the comet, photographing its surface with a resolution of a few inches per pixel. And in July, when the comet will actively evaporate, scientists make satellite dive into the evaporating ice fountain to know its composition. Originally scheduled date of completion of the mission, in December 2015, can now be pushed back to 2016, said one of the leaders of the mission, Matt Taylor, for some reason, in November, attracted the attention of feminist his colorful shirt.

Taylor dreams that the orbital Probe also be able to bring to the comet and put on her, not waiting when he will be wasting fuel. “It will be very interesting to get him to go down the spiral, and we probably will be the fourth landing,” – said Taylor, who aptly remarked Russian astronomer Dmitry Vibe, now dressed in a black one-color.


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