Saturday, December 20, 2014

Scientists: Bird sensors will be to predict tornadoes – Neelov

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The birds are able to feel the approach of natural disasters and advance to depart from the area of manifestation. These conclusions were ornithologists from the University of California, during the research of various kinds of American birds. The results of their work, the scientists have placed on the pages of the magazine Current Biology.

The interest in this issue arose scientists from Berkeley in monitoring the lifecycle zolotokrylyh Vermivora. It turned out the finest representatives of the birds that live mainly in the areas of North and Central America can chustvovat approaching tornadoes and very powerful cycles. Proof of this was the sudden disappearance of birds a day before the arrival of a powerful cyclone that is formed as a result of 84 tornadoes claimed the lives of 35 Americans.

As part of a scientific experiment, experts have placed on individual representatives feathered special sensors – geolokatory. Thanks to them, we found out a day before the arrival of natural disasters, the birds left their habitats and flew 1,500 miles to avoid being caught in the area of ​​manifestation cataclysm.

As the head of research Henry Strabo, warblers have been actively fly from the region, when scientists began to record only the first signs of approaching tornadoes. This is possible due to the unique ability of birds to hear infrasonic waves, not perceived by the human ear.

Scientists are confident of further research in this area will allow climatologists to more accurately predict occurrence of tornadoes.
Also became known. In the near future there will be a dramatic extinction of fauna

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