Thursday, December 18, 2014

Philae probe will continue its work: equipment failure has not been confirmed – Russian Dialogue

Earlier it was reported that the penetrator (part of the probe, to introduce into the ground) broke, but he just pulled a job impacting on a solid surface of the comet Churyumov-Gerasimenko.

 scientific instrument MUPUS probe Philae («Fila”) is not broke, it was thought
 earlier, and braked. This is stated in the Twitter tools.

As the
 performance analysis tool, there is every reason to believe that it is not broke, and
 slowed its rotation, encountering a solid surface. Scientists believe it
 continue to work, provided access to electricity: solar panels of the probe,
 once in the shade, do not provide the necessary energy for operation of the equipment.

 reported that the probe Philae managed to introduce a penetrator tool MUPUS
 the comet’s surface, but then he ran into a solid obstacle and
 broke down.

With its
 using experts of the European Space Agency (ESA) had hoped
 probe lead to a more stable position, and in the optimistic scenario – implement
 turn it to the sunlight and soil sampling. This is due to the fact that
 Philae probe incorrectly dropped onto the surface of a comet under the shadow of a large

The device Rosetta
 went into space in 2004. For more than ten years, he has reached the final
 point of his journey – the comet 67P / Churyumov-Gerasimenko. To
 direct examination of the comet’s nucleus on board the vehicle had a probe
 Philae, equipped with 11 systems necessary for planned

As reported by “Russian Conversation”, the probe Philae refuted the theory of the origin of water on Earth because of comets. B
 result of studies of water vapor from the comet Churyumov-Gerasimenko revealed
 that the water on a comet and the Earth has a different structure.

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