American astronomers discovered the galaxy 947Grandioznyh CID-sized black hole whose mass is the mass of our Sun in several billion times. This object was able to surprise the scientists their very rapid growth. Hole like “sucked” out of the galaxy all the gas that got into CID-947 from the intergalactic medium. This writes the “».
Cverhmassivnaya black hole was found in the center of a relatively small galaxy CID-947 that existed at the dawn of the universe. According to researchers from Yale University, this very ordinariness galaxy completely unlike entrenched in her heart “monster».
Astrophysics suggests that the galaxy in which the black hole was fixed monster is quite small and commonplace compared with object, entrenched in its center.
Scientists have for sure found that the black hole is just eight times lighter than the whole galaxy CID-947 as a whole, because it changes all the idea of such objects. Previously it was thought that galaxies and living in the middle of them black holes grow with almost equal speed, and their mass ratio of 1 to 500.
Supermassive black hole and its accretion disk in the view of the artist. Source: NASA
It is surprising that a large black hole was first discovered in such an early age. The fact that the orbital X-ray telescopes have allowed to consider the galaxy in the form in which it was 1.5-2 billion years after the Big Bang, when the universe was very young.
It turns out that the black hole was growing much faster in comparison with the rest of the “stellar metropolis,” as if “eating” nearly all of the gas that got into CID-947 from the intergalactic medium.
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