Thursday, July 2, 2015

Physicists predict the universe large gap – Dni.Ru

A group of physicists from Vanderbilt University in Nashville to present new evidence in favor of what the universe will cease to exist. This will happen after 22 billion years as a result of the so-called Big Rip.
Photo: GLOBAL LOOK press

According to research published in the journal Physical Review D, and laid out for public discussion on the site of the University of Vanderbilt scientists used a new approach to the so-called cosmological bulk viscosity . All conclusions were obtained by physicists using abstract mathematical calculations on supercomputers.

“It is possible, but unlikely, that the phenomenon of the cosmological viscosity is responsible for all the processes that we associate with the fact that the universe is expanding with acceleration. But more likely that it just helps to accelerate the growth of the dark energy of the Universe . If this is so, then we will be able to use the viscosity data to refine and explore its nature, “- says one of the authors of the new theory – Marcelo Diskontsi.

According to scientists, the fact is that if the disperse a compressed fluid to near-light speed, then under certain conditions, part of its will be able to move faster than the speed of light, it is impossible from the point of view of physics. This is contrary to the whole of modern science. Therefore, most cosmologists ignore this phenomenon, considering it unimportant.

This solution, as shown by the formula and viscosity are based on calculations of physicists from Nashville, markedly distorted predictions about what will happen to the universe as it is further growth as a result of the existence of a mysterious dark energy. Moreover, the new formulas derived at Vanderbilt University, show that complete disintegration of the universe in the Big Rip is more likely , than has been assumed.

The fact that the phenomenon of the cosmological the viscosity will not slow down, but to help to expand the limits of the dark energy of the universe. As a result, in about 22 billion years, even atoms will decay, and galaxies, planets and other celestial bodies disappear. However, this forecast is not final, it is only one of the possible models of the universe.

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