American scientists led irrefutable evidence that our universe will die as a result of a “big break.” This information is provided as a result of studies and published scientific articles.
According to specialists the great gap of the universe happens in twenty two billion years. Researchers theorize that the universe will finish its existence because it will expand at a rapid pace, which also provoke death matter.
Researchers notice that Earthlings who survive to that time will witness terminating the existence of the universe. There will be a destruction of matter down to the regions of the laws of physics elementary particles.
Experts report that their experiments allow pereinachit theory about the role of dark energy, which was introduced to explain the observations of the rapid growth of the universe.
According to the stories of scientists, the bulk viscosity action can fulfill a meaningful role, and many of the processes that reveal the introduction of dark energy, may shed light on the explanation of the action of the bulk viscosity.
The physicists report that they derived theory model can It is diagnosed with the help of high-tech computers. The data that will receive the scan, experts want to compare with their observations.
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