The day before, NASA talked about their most promising projects. The exhibition NASA’s Innovative Advanced Concepts (NIAC) Agency experts selected the most interesting ideas. Their authors are guaranteed the payment of a monetary award and given a chance to implement its plans in conjunction with the US space agency experts, writes “,”.
The most interesting, according to our editorial project looks Transformers for research Dark Side of the Moon. Self-assembling robots will take part in the mission terramorphing one of the most enigmatic craters satellite – Shelktona.
This reduction in the surface is in constant shade from the surrounding rocks. The crater of 130 km. Square is located near the South Pole. It is surrounded by mountain peaks of up to 4 km, which do not allow sunlight to penetrate inside. However, in the negative forms of relief have water and flat terrain, good natural protection protects against a variety of risks – an ideal place for the deployment of the colony.
According to the idea of scientists at the tops of the surrounding crater Mountains are equipped with special robots. Mechanisms are blocks that will form automatically after landing in the mirror circumference. Transformers will capture and redirect sunlight into the crater, thus making it lighted clock. Because of this, researchers have landed at the bottom get excellent visibility and can at any time to charge the solar batteries of scientific instruments and their machines.
In the future, such robots transformers can provide sunlight colony for agricultural purposes within the station. According to scientists, this project has a great future for the colonization of planets.
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