The representative of the Rambler & amp; Co Sofya Ivanov suggested that locked behind the word “crest” in Facebook Maxim Ksenzova, Eduard Bagirov, Maxim Kononenko and banned for the position on the legalization of same-sex marriage in the United States Sergey Minaev join the platform LiveJournal.
«day after day, witnessing terrible: banyat hurl without there findings-Minaeva, Bagirov, Kononenko, Anton Borisych, Ksenzova. To experiment, complain to each other, a post pictures. And we’re in the Cyrillic segment of LiveJournal offer not spend all this power, and coming in the cozy LJ shechku and write whatever you want. Then you and the archive, and the issuance of search engines, and a new application on its way. Write at least crest, Moskal even though bumpkin. If only within TOS’a “- she outlined in Facebook official position of the company.
After blocking Bagirov and Mina said the transition from Facebook in the” VKontakte “. July 7 Minaev started an account in a Russian social network. Bagirov registered in “VKontakte” in 2007. In a conversation with “” Bagirov, a former top-end LJ blogger, he said that ponders returning to LiveJournal.
00:14 Today
«I Learn member for eight years, for a long time it was conducted, and one of the top bloggers the same time. Then interest in LJ pougas. I think I’m in LiveJournal is also true, because there is a platform for a publicist perfect. Do not confuse the blogosphere and social networks. Of course, the blogosphere provides more opportunities for self-realization as a journalist, “- said the writer.
The LJ was back Kononenko, an account of which the administration has blocked Facebook for a week for posting a poem by Pushkin, in which the word” crest “. However, he said, to abandon Facebook in favor of “VKontakte” he is not ready, because in this social network focused its target audience.
Sergey Minaev, who also gained popularity in the past FaceBook, blog is on offer -platform has not responded. His last post in LiveJournal dated October 7, 2013.
Account Media Manager Anton spout, which Ivanova mentions in a statement, Facebook is blocked for a link to a blog entry where he reflects on “who snitched on the administration of Facebook Pushkin’s poem. ” Spout for many years, it is an active user of LJ.
The deputy head of Roskomnadzor Maxim Ksenzova Learn unavailable. Once I removed his Facebook account that “Ukrainians are Ukrainians,” and blocked it for 24 hours, the official delete your account. On the transition to other social networks, he did not declare. Ksenzov leading microblog in Twitter.
Locks on Facebook for the word “crest” continuing the past two weeks. In social networks Roskomnadzor explained that the word “Ukrainians” are used in the banned positions on a pejorative connotation akin politically incorrect “nigga” that violates the rules of the community.
LiveJournal, or “Living History” – the largest blog- platform in Russia. The development of Cyrillic segment platform deals with a group of companies Rambler & amp; Co. At the beginning of 2015, LJ had over 20 million registered users. On the platform are published daily 100,000 entries and 450,000 comments.
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