Blue-eyed people are more prone to alcoholism than those who have the iris dark, researchers found. Department of Science “Gazety.Ru” talks about what other diseases are associated with eye color, as well as why management positions is better to put the brown-eyed brunettes.
The color of the eyes of each person is determined by his pigmentation of the iris . The most common eye shades are gray, brown, black and blue. It should be noted that the blue eye color is the result of gene mutation HERC2, which appeared only about 6-10 thousand. Years ago. This means that all blue-eyed people living on the planet are descended from a common ancestor, reported Journal of Human Genetics.
It is much less common eye shades such as pure green, marsh, amber or yellow. Throughout his life painting the iris may vary: for example, the majority of Caucasian infants are born with blue eyes, but as the children get older, they become darker, and the final color is set to 10-12 years. Older people’s eyes, on the contrary, lighter, which is associated with the development of degenerative processes in the iris. If the eye color varies in the adult, it should not be viewed as a signal of health problems, such as the onset of leukemia, lymphoma, or melanoma.
However, the eye color can serve not only as an indicator already emerging diseases, but also to suggest what health problems can occur in humans in the near future. The American Journal of Medical Genetics Part B: Neuropsychiatric Genetics published an article a group of American researchers led by Arvis Sulovari from the University of Vermont, which found:
people with the light color of the iris, and especially – the blue, more than others prone to alcoholism.
The researchers analyzed the genetic material of 10 thousand. people suffering from a variety of mental disorders, as well as drug and alcohol dependencies. During the work, scientists noticed a relationship between eye color man and his propensity to abuse alcohol.
Re-examination of the DNA of these people showed that the genes responsible for the bright color of the eyes and the human predisposition to alcoholism are chained. Scientists say that the abuse of alcohol tend to holders of bright eyes of all shades – gray, green, light brown, but the association is seen most clearly in the case of blue eyes. The researchers hope that in the future work they can find a similar correlation between the iris and a touch of mental disorders.
Although such statements scientists, holders of blue eyes can be comforted by the fact that they are less likely to develop other vitiligo – a disease that manifests itself in violation of skin pigmentation due to the disappearance of the pigment melanin. Outwardly it looks like vitiligo white spots on the human body.
The journal Nature Genetics published the results of research scientists who analyzed DNA 3 thousand. vitiligo people. The work not only managed to identify 13 genes that are responsible for the development of the disease, but also to establish that
People with brown eyes exposed vitiligo more than others.
Among the participating men in the study had a 27% gray or blue eyes, 43% – brown and the iris 30% of patients had been painted in various shades of green. This distribution of colors is different from the characteristic of belonging to the Caucasian race of people: their eyes are usually painted in blue-gray color in 52% of cases, in dark shades – 27%, and the number of holders of green iris usually does not exceed 22% of all members of the population .
This unusual distribution of colors of the iris among the studied patients allowed the scientists to conclude that vitiligo is the most exposed to the owners of brown eyes, but blue-eyed people are in the zone of least risk. The researchers believe that their results allow to come back to the same conclusion: most likely, the owners of light iris risk of formation of melanoma (skin cancer), because from the point of view of genetics of vitiligo and melanoma are opposite diseases: genetic changes that trigger vitiligo, makes it less likely the development of melanoma, and vice versa.
Scientists do not only study what kind of diseases are associated with the color of the eyes, but also to like painting the iris effect on human perception surrounding. Thus, the journal PLoS ONE published an article of Czech and Canadian scientists who figured out: the most trusted associates are owners of brown eyes.
In the experiment, was attended by 40 men and 40 women with blue eyes and brown colors. Scientists have photographed them, they showed pictures of 238 strangers and asked to rate on a scale of 1 to 10, how truthful they consider the experience of each participant. Researchers have suggested to pay attention only to the external features: eye color, facial features, and an oval. Most people said: they seem to be more honest owners of the iris is dark brown.
Researchers believe that it is not only in the color of the eyes. Subsequent experiments confirmed that
truthfulness associated with the facial features characteristic of the dark-eyed men: a broad nose and cheekbones, and a large mouth. In addition, it was found out that the owners of brown iris create the impression of power of people who are willing to submit to the surrounding.
It is possible that employers will use the findings of scientists: it turns out that the most effective leaders can be brown-eyed brunettes it.
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