The large-scale work on the modernization of one of the largest in the history of projects aimed at the study of elementary particles – the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) – resulted in two years of hard work of leading scientists, engineers from around the world. Representatives of the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN), the transfer date of the first LHC run after reconstruction, announced the successful launch of the accelerator of charged particles colliding beams and ready as soon as possible to expand the boundaries of human knowledge about the nature of little-known physical phenomena and processes.
At this point, the system is in test mode – yet proton beams at low energy is already moving on all eight segments of the LHC ring. However, speaking of protons collide with lead ions for studying formed as a result of collisions between particles prematurely. Scientists need to be completely confident in a stable circulation of protons around the accelerator ring, so the corresponding acceleration to enter the power limit is planned in the coming months. Interaction of the beam with each other – a collision, which is the basis of experimental studies using the collider worth several billion dollars – should happen in June of this year.
The updated Hadron Collider will bring about a clash of particle beams with doubled compared to the previous version of the LHC, the maximum energy that is expected to be 13 TeV. On confirmation of the theory of supersymmetry, the search for new quark particles and the remaining priority tasks of physics engineers have at their disposal three years. At the expiration of the designated period of operation the LHC will be again suspended for performing complex technical measures.
On account of the Large Hadron Collider recorded one of the most important scientific achievements of the XXI century – the collision of protons, during which it was modeled appearance and officially confirmed the existence of the unit particle called the Higgs boson. This will help in the quest to explain the phenomenon of dark energy and dark matter, and will also give a chance to understand what might be from a physics beyond the theoretical construct, referred to as “the Standard Model».
Computer modeling of the appearance of the Higgs boson
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