Friday, April 3, 2015

Strange plant-werewolf breeds only on the full moon – Moskovsky Komsomolets

plant ephedra is weak relative netsvetkovym coniferous

Today at 14:21 Views: 11623

Biologists had discovered a strange plant, reproductive which depends on the cycle of the moon. Biologists from the University of Stockholm investigated Ephedra foeminea and accidentally found out about it quite amazing abilities. «Ephedra foeminea – large shrub, pretty ugly,” – says botanist Catharine Ridina. Its leaves are small, but when the plant is ready to breed, bush turns into a mass of bright yellow and red cones.

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Christina Bolinder (Kristina Bolinder) from Stockholm University in Sweden.

Scientists did not immediately notice that the plant depends on the lunar cycle. First Botany saw that globules with a sweet liquid appear in other species of Ephedra at one and the same time with a certain regularity every year. However, when the researchers went to Greece and Croatia in 2013, to watch their pollination, it is extremely surprised by the absence of globules on the surface of the plant E. Foeminea.

“We spent a week in Greece without any results – watch pollination E. foeminea we never had a chance. My colleagues were very upset, and we went to dinner, instead of re-visit the location where the plants grew. And then, just casually studied the pictures taken during the previous observations, we noticed that them all shining full moon. A Greek field was too dark, “- says Dr. Ridina.

First, the idea that E. foeminea multiply only in the light of the full moon seemed a joke, but then researchers noticed a certain cyclicality. In 2014, they again went on an expedition to observe the pollination in the light of the full moon in July. At this time the experiment was a success, according to

Botanists have yet to figure out why life E. foeminea so much depends on the lunar cycle. It is known that many species of fauna are guided by the moon in many areas of their life. For example, the full moon has a special role in the life cycles of various crabs, sea birds, dung beetles and corals. However, E. Foeminea plant could be the first among the “fans” of the moon.

It turned out notes, that in the course of evolution shrub waited for the reproduction of the full moon, to this day the most effective use of insects. To confirm this hypothesis, the researchers turned to archival data collected years earlier, and found that flowering ephedra also comes with the full moon, and the maximum, it is on the July.

In the complex process of reproduction of this shrub much remains unclear. And most importantly – how ephedra learns about the occurrence of the full moon? Scientists suggest that the plant may feel a degree night light from the moon, or in any way respond to the slightest change in the force of gravity. “We have no idea how this happens, it is a matter for future consideration,” – says the researcher.

growers have long known that the full moon is recommended to control weeds and pests, hoeing and hilling land. Not recommended pruning of trees and shrubs, vegetable plants nipping, vaccination and pereprivivki.

During the three days before the full moon, and for three days after it is recommended: thinning of seedlings, weeding, weed and pest control, loosening the earth around the plants, ridging, mulching, collecting seeds and root crops on testes (but not in water signs), the blank for future use (house wine fermentation, souring and salting of vegetables and fruits without heat treatment). Not recommended pruning of trees and shrubs, vegetable plants nipping, vaccination and pereprivivki.


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