Saturday, April 11, 2015

Russia and China joint plans to colonize the moon – SoftSraze: actually and objectively

Moon Russia and China joint plans to colonize the Moon
This week in Moscow, a Chinese delegation to participate in the negotiations in the space industry. Emphasis will be given to an embodiment of the lunar program, colonization of the moon and the training of astronauts to fly beyond Earth’s orbit.

In Moscow, attended by representatives from China Chinese state corporation “Great Wall” and the Cosmonaut Training Center of China to participate in negotiations with the Federal Space Agency and the Russian Academy of Sciences on cooperation in the space industry. Negotiations began April 7, 2015 and took place in a busy schedule, write “News».

Since the PRC arrived to take part in the negotiations three deputy general designer of the CPC China – Huang Veyfen, Liu and Li Veybo Inhuey, by Russia in talks involving manual Roscosmos Cosmonaut Training Center Gagarin and the Institute of Biomedical Problems, Russian Academy of Sciences. Izvestia wrote.

According to the information provided by a member of the cosmonaut training center during the talks focused on the discussion of joint missions beyond Earth’s orbit, manned lunar program and the acclaimed program, which is very ambitious.

Russian Space Agency spokesman Igor Bourenkov told that the threads in the negotiations varied. But mostly manned lunar program and “Roskosmos negotiates with Chinese partners including lunar and space programs. While talk about any specifics sooner ».

It is worth noting. That this is not the first talks between Russia and China which is actively discussed cooperation in the space industry. After the imposition of sanctions by the EU’s Russia began pregovory active cooperation between Russia and China.

A member of the Russian Academy of Cosmonautics Tsiolkovsky Andrew, son of John shared his opinion, what is so tempting this cooperation for China ” Certainly, the experience of Russia in the field of space flight is very interested in China. However, there is important strategic approach – it is important not just to agree on several joint projects, you need to think about the future. For example, we could agree with China on the joint construction of the space station or on cooperation in terms of development of the Moon ».

Tags: China, the colonization of the Moon, the lunar program, Russia

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