Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Roscomnadzor want to fight against illegal content without the participation of the Prosecutor General – Russian Planet

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Photo: Sergey Kiselev / Kommersant

Draft Order Roskomnadzora that extends the functions of the Federal Service for blocking websites or individual pages taken out for public discussion on the portal How necessary such a change in the law, found out “Russian planet».


Active users Runet know that Roskomnadzora activity is not always effective. In accordance with the law “On information, information technologies and information protection” Prosecutor General’s Office sent experts Roskomnadzora requirements on blocking sites or pages that contain prohibited materials – from calling for extremist activity to child pornography and indicates specific Internet resources. Next Roscomnadzor makes the offender in the register of banned sites, notify the owner of the site of the blockage and notifies the hosting company that has a resource intruder.

The problem is that it is necessary to block the page Roskomnadzor banned information as that immediately in hundreds of copies of the variance on the web, despite the best efforts of regulatory bodies.

According to the current draft order Roskomnadzora than a specific resource supervisory authority will be able to block all illegal copies of information. Moreover, the project is registered new procedure: now he Roscomnadzor without the help of the Prosecutor General shall monitor Russian Internet in order to identify all illegal copies of content, similar to what is contained in the request of the Prosecutor General.

Roskomsvoboda against Roskomnadzora

The Executive Director of “REG.RU” leader among domestic registrars and web hosting providers, Svetlana Lienko considers useful innovation.

«Mechanics, used today in the fight against Roscomnadzor prohibited Internet content is already quite effective. Saved only one problem: telecom operators continue to block the domain name is not, and IP-address of the offending site. In most cases, it harms hundreds of owners of Internet resources, which are located on the same server hosting provider that site with inappropriate content. Therefore, in terms of empowerment Roskomnadzora this defect processes need to be addressed. Supplement, which is available in paper and obliges with the original data block banned and all copies thereof, will help the agency to work much more productive, “- said the expert.

with the representative of Russia’s largest provider does not agree head of the human rights project Roskomsvoboda Artem Kozlyuk. “Roscomnadzor after the entry into force of the order will be not only the technical solutions for the processing of the Prosecutor General, but he will be able to monitor the Russian Internet search for copies identified in its requirements. Such activities Roskomnadzora is illicit, since the agency is not vested legal right extrajudicial block sites – says the head of Roskomsvobody. – We have more and more closer to the Chinese model of regulation of network space, in which a huge army of civil servants monitors internet to identify prohibited information. ” But is it so bad in today’s geopolitical environment?

World experience

Most of the countries are trying to protect themselves from those or other destabilizing factors: it can be and appeals extremism and drug propaganda, attempts to manipulate public opinion. In the era of globalization, virtual threats are real. Therefore, the adjustment of the legislation to the new realities is quite logical.

Some members of the Internet community found Roskomnadzora extension functions to block sites restriction of the rights and freedoms of citizens, but keep in mind that while in the regulation of the Internet space, our country lags behind many states.

For example, in France, the Ministry of Internal Affairs deals with network security and control of illegal content on the Internet. Office may require the providers to block sites with the forbidden information without obtaining the consent of the judiciary. South Korea, declaring the principles of openness, denies access to the North Korean sites. South Korean law on national security provides even jail sentences for reading and disseminating the DPRK. Follow your “online home” and China, where the care for the “purity” of the network has been specifically created to manage the State Council, and on traffic imposed a complex system of firewalls.

A separate issue is the technical imperfections blocking sites with forbidden content. According to Artem Kozlyuk in 25-30% of cases, offenders are not blocked by URL, which is a pointer to a single resource, and by IP-address, which can be up to hundreds of bona fide resources. The sooner this technical problem is resolved, the better.

So far, orders Roskomnadzora is at the design stage, a public discussion will end only 21 of April. After reviewing the comments and suggestions, the draft order or send to the Commission of the Russian Government on legislative activities, or will be refunded Roscomnadzor.

How do I read “Russian planet” without the Internet?

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