The Ministry of Education and Science actively rumors that soon Minister Dmitry Livanov will be removed and in its place will come the deputy Irina Spring. It can not be assured sources of “Gazety.Ru”. Why is this change can not happen and what should happen to make it a reality, understood the science department “Gazety.Ru».
Quo vadis
The rumors about possible changes in the government Dmitry Medvedev circulate year, but they resumed sharply in the past two months, the economic crisis, on the one hand and lifting the wave patriotic – other.
discussed first candidates “to the slaughter” and their potential changers. One of the possible “victims” called the Minister of Education and Science Dmitry Livanov. Like his predecessor Andrei Fursenko, who is now an advisor to the president of Russia, it is not considered the most popular minister because of the ambiguity of its decisions.
Recently, there were rumors that Livanov replaced by none other than the chairman of the Duma Committee for Security and Anti-Corruption Irina Spring.
Name Spring has long become a household word and is used to refer to initiatives that critics call pseudo-patriotic. For example, she stated that the study of foreign languages in schools is a threat to Russian traditions and the number of hours allocated to them must be reduced.
It is interesting that political career began in the Spring “apple”. In 2007, she moved to the “United Russia”, where it remains to this day. More recently, she has been actively make statements related to education, which gave rise to rumors of her ministerial ambitions.
familiar with the situation source “Gazety.Ru” in scientific and educational circles sure that replacement Livanov on spring will not happen.
The Ministry of Education and Science has a clear goal to build a system of science in the country, close to Western standards: it is and focus on publishing journals with high impact factor, and place in the rankings. In a recent project, the fundamental research program, which was compiled by the Ministry of Education, clearly states the problem of the formation of the Russian Federation “globally competitive, integrated into the international system of fundamental research of basic sciences sector.”
According to the source, while Andrei Fursenko is an advisor to the President of Russia for Science, Ministry of Education of the course is unlikely to change.
«If The situation with Ukraine will start to heat up again and the country still will be on the road of complete isolation from the outside world, then anything is possible, especially as the Spring itself would not mind to become a minister, and to engage in patriotic education of youth “- said another source” Newspapers. Ru ».
The Department of Science “Gazety.Ru” appreciated the activities of the Ministry of Education in recent years in order to ensure that the arrival of Spring will mean a complete rejection of the current policy.
Russia adopts best
Five years ago, in 2010, the prestigious journal Nature published an article “Scientific publicity» , on the state of Russian science, the basis for which served as the interview “» RAS President Yuri Osipov.
Since then, the situation has changed for the better.
The main success Livanov was the turn for the Western scientific standards and their implementation in active Russian conditions.
The Minister in an interview with the journal Nature in January 2015 stated that, despite the political confrontation with the West, Russia will continue to participate in major international projects, such as the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), the European X-ray Free Electron Laser (XFEL) and the International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (ITER).
In addition, Russia plans to take part in the work on the research located in France accelerator complex European Synchrotron Radiation Facility (ESRF – synchrotron radiation source of the third generation).
«I am convinced that scientific cooperation should not depend on temporal changes in the economic and political situation. In the end, the production of new knowledge and technologies – a mutually beneficial process, “- said Dmitry Livanov.
In an interview with “” the minister said that if you look at the publications, then Russia – a positive trend.
«We are growing at approximately the same rate as the countries with which we have traditionally competed – the leading European countries and the United States. This growth – a few percent per year, – said Lebanon. – But really, countries that actively invested in science last 15-20 years – China, Brazil, Korea, India and Turkey – are growing much faster. ”
Reform without positive changes
Dmitry Livanov definitely impressive due for the reform of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
The need for reform is recognized by most, its format approve of the few, but the controversy surrounding an event conducted so far.
For the first time held in this year, the award ceremony “For loyalty science” major scientific achievement Russia in 2014 was named the creation of the Federal Agency of scientific organizations, which, in particular, deals with property issues.
As of January 1, 2015 72.6% of the objects assigned to organizations Fano Russia, delivered on the cadastral registration. The head of the Fano Michael Kotyukov pledged to register all property RAS until the end of the year.
However, in the scientific environment to include many activities Fano with reasonable skepticism.
So, Chairman of the Board for Science at the Ministry of Education Academician Alexei Khokhlov first noted that the Fano “for the year could effectively switch over management functions.”
However, he stated that any positive changes in the institutions of Fano is not observed, moreover, a spike is not always justified paperwork from Fano.
«After the meeting of the Council for Science was finally realized our long-standing proposal – created Scientific Coordinating Council of Fano. It is hoped that when it is fully operational, many institutions have accumulated in Fano problems will be taken “, – concluded Alexei Khokhlov.
Among other things, the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Academy of Sciences actively criticized for the fact that it has new powers, now responsible for all fundamental science in the country, but they did not use it.
Deputy Minister of Education and Science Lyudmila Ogorodova say , which was unprecedented for the RAS functions on expertise and coordination for the whole sector search of fundamental research not only Fano, but also universities and budgets entirely the whole system.
Then, in the words of Ogorodova clearly reprimanded the leadership of the Academy of Sciences, that it does not use its new features.
Now, at this level of confrontation intensified again when was made public and public discussion of Basic Research Program of the Russian Federation on long-term perspective that representatives of Russian Academy of Sciences, in particular, the union of the RAS, do not like. And in the last official report altogether stating that the development of this project, the Ministry of Education is contrary to law.
The main problem – is still a lack of proper communication between scientists, government officials and officials of all science. In his speech, Alexei Khokhlov outlined the key challenges, among them – the need to build targeted support of leading scientists, laboratories and organizations working at the global level, reliability and life trajectory “career lift” for the younger generation of scientists and middle-aged, and the development and modernizing a system of grants for scientific research.
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