Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Journal Nature gave “proof” of the existence of dragons – Commander

As you know, on April 1 – April Fool’s Day, so the scientific edition of Nature to play a trick on the pages of his journal on his readers. Today’s article publication says that dragons really exist.

The authors of interesting articles assert that at the moment are found more and more evidence that dragons exist in truth.

But, and further action has evolved as a modern Hollywood blockbuster. Journal warned on its pages readers that dragons can be reborn again, because it is promoted by the climatic conditions to date in the world.

The article describes that terrible dragons chased residents no continent on our planet, as evidenced by the myths and stories of different cultures. Therefore, some truth in this still is.

Magazine as proof of the existence of the dragon version brings an undeniable fact that the documents found. This ancient manuscript found on dusty shelves in the old cabinet Oxford library. Therefore, experts have transgressed for an urgent review of the documents to prove that dragons – not legendary creatures, and truly lived millions of years ago, animals living with the dinosaurs.

The publication in his article provides complete information about the ability to live dragons where lived and what to eat.
Nature also explain how the dragon began to speak, as a legend, while bringing compelling reasons.
Details on the website:

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