Thursday, April 9, 2015

First Sjutkin on internet meme – Fontanka

  Roskomnadzor banned the use of photographs of celebrities in memes, if the images are not related to the person “celebrity.” Revenged became the first ex-lead singer of “Bravo”, whose image of King Orange Summer in yellow shoes bloggers used to determine the expression “hit a woman on the face * *.” Roscomnadzor for example Valery Syutkina shows: Now with jokers will fight. The lawyers also suggest that the Office of all violators will hardly, but the rustle of the Internet can bring.

 Roskomnadzor announced a new priority for action. Now, the Office will be to combat the negative memes.

  «Using the photo as a public person impersonation popular Internet meme, unrelated to the identity of” celebrity “breaking the law” – written on the official agencies “VKontakte».

 A spokesman for the Office elaborates: “If you publish the name, photograph celebrities and while avoiding any violations of the law, such a purpose of use of personal data is found to be important to the public. If you put personal information in an insulting context, then no court does not recognize such a socially important goal ».

 This theory would be difficult to understand without visual practical application. Late last year, the mother of singer Valeria Syutkina mastered the World Wide Web, scoring in the search data son came across an article BBPE (hit a woman on the face * *) on the popular site Specified resource is an online encyclopedia, which describes the terminology user forums and blogs. In unexpected ways under explanation of the term the authors mentioned Syutkina.

  «Over time, the image formed BBPE – his face was a famous singer Valery Sjutkin, dude, and a favorite of women, to whom these words came, perhaps, least of all. In conjunction with its fun, cheerful face and romantic lyrics appeal to beat the women looked wildly, “- said to” lurke ».

 Subtle humor creators article did not understand neither the Sjutkin nor his mother, and therefore appealed first to the administration portal (“We refused, because Page is not about him,” – said in a tweet Lurkmore), and then – in Roscomnadzor that in turn, wrote a statement of claim in a court in the city of Moscow.

  «Meshchansky District Court of Moscow satisfied the claim Roskomnadzora filed in defense of the rights of the singer Valeria Syutkina as the subject of personal data. In the claim requested to restrict access to the web page, which are distributed without the consent of the citizen’s personal data “- this release came on April 8 at the site office.

 The court decided that the meme about Syutkina BBPE and not simply violates the requirements of legislation with regard to the processing of personal data without the consent of the subject, but also offends the honor and dignity. With a separate claim in this regard singer, incidentally, is also addressed in one of the capital ships.

  Portal administration published its principled position tweeted: “We refused, because the history of the Internet – a history of the Internet. And the pictures were to lurke and besides lurke ».

 In turn, in Roskomnadzor talking about a kind of “campaign” on memes, in which there are abusive and non-image labels.

  «Roscomnadzor refers to the administration of resources with the demand to remove illegal information, if it does not – will file a lawsuit in court,” – threaten the Office.

 If understood literally told authorities that the sanctions will get millions of images. Only with Vladimir Zhirinovsky in “Yandex” can be found at least 11,000, and Barack Obama – three times more. And, of course, it is not clear which of these two characters will actively defend.

 However, the legal process itself fighting memes caused debate among legal experts. Thus, the company’s lawyers “Bonus” note that in this situation, it is primarily a question of the right of the image. “If allowed Sjutkin portal to publish this photograph, the question would not arise,” – said the expert “Bonus».

 In the opinion of counsel board “recieve” Yana Korzinina, image distortion is also a violation of personal data: “Why on my” calling card “someone writes something? And okay, it was a slogan – for example, statements Ranevskaya often write in her photographs. In this case, information not relevant to the subject. Photography itself – not personal data, but in this situation Roscomnadzor rightly considers “the personification of the popular internet meme, unrelated to the identity of” celebrity “to a breach of personal data».

 Says Korzinin, Roscomnadzor immediately with all offenders will not be able to fight, but it will make a dot. But this, said the lawyer, may be sufficient to site owners and users independently started delete these pictures.

 The owners of popular memes Public argue that no longer publish anything offensive and try to stick to positive statements.

  «Mem and negative – is, in principle, different concepts. In addition, as part of the meme ridiculed situation, but not a person, “- says the creator of the group” 1001 meme “Igor Kozlov.

 He explains that on the Internet people are divided into those who understand what a meme, and those who do not: “Insult we never thought meme and rarely missed this kind of content. As for this hype, now become more attentive to these things ».

 Xenia Klochkova,


© Fontanka


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