Sunday, December 18, 2016

Archaeologists will restore the historical appearance of Old Ladoga – TASS

SAINT PETERSBURG, December 18. /TASS/. Archaeologists and geographers of Saint-Petersburg and Moscow have developed a large-scale project that will restore the medieval landscape of Staraya Ladoga. The project was presented at the Institute of history of material culture Russian Academy of Sciences (IIMK ran) in today held the conference “Ladoga and the problems of ancient and medieval history of Northern Eurasia” in Staraya Ladoga historical-architectural and archaeological Museum-reserve.

“the Project will be implemented Staraya Ladoga expedition of the IIMK RAS and the Institute of geography RAS,” – said TASS Director of the Institute RAS Vladimir Lapshin. The project’s goal is “to present the ancient lake Ladoga in the historical landscape”, to expand understanding of the economy, which led people in this area in the early middle Ages, the scientist noted.

In 2017, the Staraya Ladoga expedition will celebrate the 45th anniversary of its work. “For the entire period of the expedition made about 40 thousand finds, however, modern possibilities of the old Ladoga Museum-reserve demonstrate only slightly more than 1% of them – now its exposition includes more than 500 items, the rest are stored in the Museum and not available to the public”, – said Vladimir Lapshin.

“In Staraya Ladoga need a new center, which will combine exhibition space and funds, ibid archaeologists of the expedition could produce restoration and primary processing of the finds,” said he.

Staraya Ladoga is one of the oldest settlements in Russia. The date of its Foundation is officially considered the year 753, but the latest discoveries of archaeologists of the Institute RAS suggest that Ladoga was founded earlier.


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