Sunday, October 9, 2016

The developers have discovered the secret of the robot’s Fedora: makes shots, fly to the satellites Moskovsky Komsomolets

First Russian Android will be delivered to the ISS in 2021

Yesterday at 19:29, views: 6752

This presentation near the public had long been waiting. On robotized assistant for our astronauts, the scientists said three years ago, introducing torsby (legless) version of the humanoid robot SAR-401, which was adapted to work in orbit. However, until last Saturday, no news about it we never received, apparently the developers were waiting for the right moment. A robot that “changed” the name to FEDOR (FEDOR — Final Experimental Demonstration Object Research – the Final pilot demonstration site studies) declassified in the network by Deputy Prime Minister, who oversees the military-industrial complex, Dmitry Rogozin. We phoned the chief designer of the company “Android technology” in which walls and creates a space robot, Alexei BOGDANOV, for details.

Разработчики  раскрыли  тайны  робота  Федора:  делает  уколы,  полетит  к  спутникам


FEDOR is a real weightlifter!

Interesting videos from the lab, which FEDOR lifts a 20kg kettlebell is being pressed, drive the car “UAZ”, Dmitry Rogozin, was accompanied by this comment: “Ripped apart a country” creates a robot member of the crew of the space ship. Instructed the advanced research Foundation, in conjunction with Rocket and space Corporation “Energia”.With.P.The Queen is to adapt this work to participate in the expedition manned spacecraft of the future. Under this project, will be formed KB young scientists under the leadership of General designer for manned spaceflight E. A. Mikrin… By 2021 presents a robot plan to adapt to the new crew vehicles and begin flight tests”.

- Alexey, tell me, FEDOR is a fundamentally new apps or modifications to SAR-401?

- This robot was developed under the joint work of the advanced research Foundation and the NGO “Android technology”. The resulting sample was named Fedor. In principle, it is robots that are created in our company on one concept: they have to man in such actions, where they are in immediate danger. For example, the emergency workers who must crawl under the rubble, an employee of the nuclear industry, a member of the space crew. Spacewalk is a huge risk and stress to the astronaut, but because this is very rare. If all fails, as intended, the robot will always be on the outer surface of the ISS, with it, astronauts will be possible to perform all the necessary manipulations and experiments. Being inside a sealed compartment of the station, it will be very convenient. Work at any time you can pause, drink tea, relax. It is also interesting that this robot will be able to manage not only an astronaut onboard the ISS, but also any technician of the Earth, connecting to the robot via the communication channel. For example, out of order for some equipment that can handle only a great specialist which it was created. On Earth he will only have to wear the special “control” costume with 3-D glasses to see the eyes of the robot, and directly from the Earth to deal with the equipment.

We are talking about copying the actions of the operator?

-Yes, the suit allows you to read the traffic from all the main motor points: with fingers, with hands, with arms, with the arms fully. This allows you to work with mechanical and electric tools, welding machine. In this robot, no special tools are not created – only the ones that are already on the ISS.

You conducted an experiment to control FEDOR?

Yes, we ran the robot, which is from us at a distance of 4 thousand kilometers. There were, of course, a slight delay of communication, it is natural. However, this is only one of the options for control mode. There is an option when the suit is equipped with an operator’s feedback system includes motors that produce the effect of a thrust or compression, which in reality occur at a large distance from the robot. However, the copying mode is not the core for Fedora. It is needed to perform a specific, very precise work without human participation machine, not having yet artificial intelligence can’t do. Most of the action should be performed automatically by corresponding commands from Earth, for example, so he can build a three-dimensional map of their environment, to route, to deliver equipment in the required area.

If all goes according to plan, then in 2021 the first robot FEDOR, or rather its modification for space applications, like Yuri Gagarin go into space as the only crew member on Board the new manned spacecraft “Federation”. However, unlike Gagarin, in space, alas, he would not be the first. The ISS for the fifth year running, the NASA robot Robonaut. About what he does on the Board, sufficient information is not available. At least the reports that Robonaut can go into space, not available, suggesting that our Fedya is much more capable.

And if you compare Fedora with other terrestrial models, for example, Japanese American ASIMO or ATLAS?

- AMO, which develops more than 30 years, the main functions of service related to the care of the person. This robot is not planned to send into space. American paramilitary concept ATLAS is also in orbit, not flying. It develops under the auspices of the DARPA company Boston Dynamics since 1989. At first there was working with four-legged systems to move heavy loads of ammunition in the field. Since 2010 they have started to develop bipedal platform. Also started with military orders. Their research is biased towards upright posture, maintain balance, walk over rough terrain. That is, develop those functions which will help robots to be mobile. Our concept is more applied. If ATLAS 28 degrees of freedom, our Fedora – 46. Our right hands, which can perform a specific job. The legs of Fedor, is just an additional option, which in space is not particularly necessary.

- List all the operations that are already complying with FEDOR?

- We taught him how to solder, cut, strip wires, it can operate hand tools like keys, screwdriver, can connect the electric wires, can work power tools, electrotango, cutting out items of equipment. He works as a grinder, hand saw and, if necessary, conventional cutters. We believe that our FEDOR will be the most effective on the outer surface of the ISS, from its service, ending with the experiments and scheduled works. Our torsby variant of Fedora to be placed on one of the greatest manipulators of the ISS to move to any point on the station, astronauts.

- A manipulator on the ISS, the canadian…

-Now will run the European robotic arm ERA, but by 2021 may appear and the Russian manipulator.

- When a Fedora can need feet?

- For example, during his future aplaneti activities. To put them need a minimal amount of time. Meanwhile, for the station they are not needed. Except that their similarity for easy movement on the outer surface of the station.

in addition to performing all necessary repair and installation work, Fedora are taught to provide first aid and injections – you never know what can happen during a flight with his spiritual colleagues. Well, in the future, it is possible that the same FEDOR will gain the thrusters for independent maneuvering around the station with a view to its examination and flight from the ISS to the satellites to repair them. Here in this humanoid form can resurrect the idea of a “space motorcycle”! By the way, if the world FEDOR “squeezes” only 20 kg, in space, in zero gravity, his power can increase tenfold, he, according to the chief designer, will be able to move in space, even a space ship! So what lies behind the simple command “stick in the mud”.

What’s more, there is only the robot’s FEDORA:

- he expanded the range of mobility of the neck – he’s similar in mobility to the human (no robot can not be so);

- a Full hand, operating with heavy objects, for example with a hydraulic shear rescue, weighing 18 kg;

- the Concept of the construction of the legs of the robot is based on a new principle for to sit in any car (it can even carry the transverse and longitudinal splits).


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