Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Secret base of the Nazis in the Arctic was related to mysticism – Moskovsky Komsomolets

Hitler was hoping to find a way into the mysterious “Wonderland”

Today at 17:28, views: 12048

“In the Arctic have discovered the secret base of the Nazis” — this information is published these days by many media outlets, and attracted attention. Sensation? However, we have received “intelligence” about this mysterious object of the Nazis a few years ago thanks to the meeting with a famous Arctic Explorer, historian, Dr. Peter Boyarsky.

he was able to learn details about a German base, located on the far Northern island, which belonged to the Soviet Union.

Секретная база нацистов в Арктике оказалась связана с мистикой

Alexandra Land. Here is the Arctic border of Russia. Photo: Oleg Popov

Petr V. Boyarsky, who now occupies the post of Advisor to the Director of the Russian Institute of cultural and natural heritage. D. S. Likhachev, for many years by the Marine Arctic complex expedition (MAKE) organized by this Institute. It was during one of expeditionary campaigns in the far Northern region of the Boyar managed to visit the site of the former Nazi Arctic bases.

- this secret facility of the Nazis I happened to hear for the first time in 1985 from the famous polar pilot akkuratova — recalled Peter V. during our meeting. — He said that soon after the war, he flew one day over the Alexandra Land, part of the archipelago of Franz-Joseph, noticed the shore against rocky thawed tundra strange white spot of rectangular shape.

Intrigued by what he saw, the aviators decided to sit down and see what it is. When came close to the mysterious spot, it became clear that the roof of the dugout, painted white. The door easily opened.

the Pilots, including flashlights, went inside and was shocked. On the benches scattered German uniforms in the middle of the table — cans of food, spoons, bowls… And on the walls hang the “Schmeisser”.

it feels like there are still living soldiers of the Third Reich, which is literally a minute away. In fact, the hut had long been deserted, but the sight of her suggests that the Germans at the time, left his shelter in a hurry.

About the German action to seize the Soviet Arctic historians know a lot of facts.

the Nazis were the necessary bases and weather stations to provide raids cruisers and submarines along the Northern sea route, explained Peter knights. — In addition, many of the higher leadership of the Third Reich, as we know, was fond of all sorts of mysticism, and held very peculiar views. Among them, for example, there was the belief that the Earth is hollow, and inside it you can get through the ice cave, existing in the polar regions.

Nazi “bosses” were aware of the existence of extensive caves in the New Earth, on the Earth Frantsa-Joseph, and they were sure that this is the real path to the underworld. Therefore, sea secexmail organized by the Reich in our Arctic rear, had not only military, but also scientific research.

photo: Oleg Popov

among others, there was a project, encoded as “Wonderland”. It was about creating a base on the island of Alexandra Land. This operation the Germans carried out in 1943. Weather station, equipped there, the Nazis called the “treasure hunter”. Necessary equipment, materials and supplies they brought to the island on ships and submarines, and some were dropped by parachute in special containers romboobrazny.

According to Boyarsky, heard them from akkuratova the assumption that the Germans hastily left his secret base, it is supported by the facts that surfaced later: “as far As I was able to figure out the Nazis in an emergency order evacuated from the Earth by Alexandra in July 1944. It happened not for strategic military reasons. The Nazis failed in their own stomachs and lack of household knowledge about the rules of life in the Arctic.

These warriors one shot of the polar bear and decided to eat exotic Northern dish. However, the invaders did not know that bear meat this should definitely a very long time to cook. And in the end got a severe stomach illness. So they tied up that I had to call on the radio the plane and immediately take off the base the whole team. Replacement evacuated in a hurry had no time to find, but soon it became completely useless. It was the last months of the war, Nazi Germany was not to the Arctic…”.

In the middle of zero years Peter Boyar managed to visit the site of the former Nazi base. Along with several colleagues, MAKE it landed with expedition vessel “Soms”, to examine what remains of the “treasure hunt.”

Seen by us showed that the Germans were held here for a long time. Place to base is very well chosen — on the shore of a deep Bay, which is adjacent to a broad strip of tundra that is free from the ice shell. A little this side of the pond with fresh water. To protect the base from land, the Nazis staged to the North and East of it a minefield. And Bay side as a cover was equipped with a machine-gun bunker, the ruins of which are visible and until now.

- surprisingly a huge number of shoes and other equipment introduced by the Germans on the island, — said Petr Vladimirovich. — It seems that your military base they planned to expand significantly.

Some of the German ammunition still lying on the territory of the former “treasure hunt”. In addition, I was told that in the 1960-1970, when on the Earth by Alexandra we’ve got a frontier (it is about 10-15 kilometers from the former Nazi of sensitive sites), its garrison was taken from the abandoned Nazi base a lot of suitable ammunition. The guards were still used then by the German shoes inherited “inherited” from the war years.

photo: Oleg Popov

in addition to the dot on the “treasure hunt” has been preserved the remains of the house, the dugout… Surveying the territory of the German base, our scientists have found some of those most similar to the bomb container for aircraft “parcels”. Survived also scraps of old camouflage nets, and inside the abandoned dugouts littered with pages from books with Hitler’s speeches.

- In fact, German “Souvenirs” of the war in these places can be and even more. After all, in the area of Franz Joseph, often strong winds blow, and therefore part of the parachuted containers could be carried away by the airflow away to the side.

an Interesting finding was waiting for us closer to the Gulf coast. Here we saw some pipe going back into the ground. Perhaps this is part of the ventilation system of some hidden structures. It is impossible to exclude existence of a natural grotto, which the Germans managed to find and adapt for their own purposes.

photo: Oleg Popov

I fully admit that this is a cavity in the depths of stone island are so great that it could go in submarines. At least about the existence of other Arctic Islands such huge caves communicating with the sea by underwater corridors, you know. But German sources of information that they were able to find in the North of these caves and even have their own submarines.

Such natural bunkers very convenient for the device are secret repositories, and the leaders of Nazi Germany used it. Preserved in the archives of materials report that at the end of the war from the German ports came out transports and submarines, which the Nazis took out somewhere some equipment, documents, valuables… and the fate of many of these ships are still unknown. Perhaps some of them have reached the distant Arctic Land Alexandra. In this case, the name arranged here by the Nazis and then quickly abandoned them in the “treasure hunter” — takes on special significance for us.


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