Monday, October 31, 2016

Large potentially hazardous asteroid just missed the Earth – Moskovsky Komsomolets

It has been discovered very recently

Today at 12:45, views: 2137

Last night past Earth asteroid swept 2016 UR36. Heavenly body, the amount of which is assessed at 5-25 metres, was discovered shortly before was closer to our planet. To open it managed, with the assistance located in Hawaii telescope Pan-STARRS.

Крупный потенциально опасный астероид разминулся с Землей


the Space object was discovered on October 25, less than two days before it passed the Earth. However, as reported by experts, if not for the alert system, the U.S. space Agency NASA, using the latest software to detect such an object would be possible even later — a few hours before a potential collision. However, in order for the threat of collision to prevent this, you should know for tens of years, is recognized by researchers.

the Distance at which the asteroid was at the moment of maximum movement with the Land, amounted to about 500 thousand kilometers, that is, it was only 1.3 times farther from our planet than the Moon. This allows us to relate it to potentially dangerous objects, celestial bodies crossing Earth’s orbit at a distance exceeding the distance to the moon less than 20 times. However, despite the intimidating status, the real threat of collision with this asteroid in the foreseeable future is extremely small — according to experts, it is about 1 in 19 million.

size razminuvshis with our planet celestial body can be comparable with the so-called Chelyabinsk meteorite that hit the earth’s surface on February 15, 2013. Thus, if, despite the extremely low probability of such a development, he still collided with the Ground, it did not provoke a catastrophe of planetary scale, however, it would be very dangerous for those who would be relatively close to the point of a meteorite.


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